What's there to say? Today's temperature so far is 109F (42.7C.) No rain in my garden since June, and with few exceptions, the …
More Seattle goodness: Lorene’s garden
How Lorene managed to do the lion's share of the work to put on the Seattle Bloggers' Fling and also open her garden to us amazes …
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The Bloedel Reserve
We visited many beautiful places in Seattle, but none compare to the Bloedel Reserve. It was my favorite destination by far. On …
Try to imagine
Envision a neighbor who loves gardening as much as you, and whose garden is only a few feet from your own. Imagine living on a …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, Forecast still hot and miserable
Dateline: July 15, 2011, Guthrie, Oklahoma. Hot, hot and more hot. Extreme drought conditions. Death Orb pulsating in the …
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