First, bear with me while I indulge in a bit of history. When I began to garden, I was nineteen years old, married and living …
Dear Friends and Gardeners, April 26, 2010
Carol from May Dreams Gardens (Zone 5), Mary Ann from Gardens of the Wild, Wild West (Zone 6) and I decided, last year, to …
Continue Reading about Dear Friends and Gardeners, April 26, 2010
That rainwashed feeling
A little rain stirs magic in a garden. There is no doubt that ozone and rainwater are much better than an irrigation system no …
New to me
So, do you live in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, or one of its nearby suburbs? Are you wanting something new for the …
Dear Friends and Gardeners, April 19, 2010
Carol from May Dreams Gardens (Zone 5), Mary Ann from Gardens of the Wild, Wild West (Zone 6) and I decided, last year, to …
Continue Reading about Dear Friends and Gardeners, April 19, 2010