We get a winter like this. Blame it on El Nino or whatever you like, but in Oklahoma (and I hear parts of Texas), it is snowing …
White Christmases are highly overrated
A little, light, powdered-sugar dusting would be okay, but fourteen inches is a record breaker. I still haven't seen my mom for …
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Think we’ll have a white Christmas?
In Oklahoma, the weather outside is truly frightful. As I wrote before, we rarely have a white Christmas, but the blizzard of …
On the occasion of the Winter Solstice
For those of us with colder temperatures, or even snow, winter seems like it arrived a few weeks ago, but according to the U.S …
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Oh Christmas Tree . . . part II
As a member of the Society, and at our president, Carol's, informal request at the last virtual meeting, I'm pleased to share my …