Last month, as I worked in the garden, picking the last of the green tomatoes, ripe 'Yummy' peppers and a couple of overlooked …
Here’s to a gluten & dairy free Thanksgiving
with a few survival tips and a recipe to boot! For those of us with food allergies and intolerances, the holiday …
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Why do you garden?
With winter creeping this way, have you considered why you garden? Winter is a time of rest, renewal and review. Why do we …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, colorful November
[Please click on the photos in the gallery to make them larger] I managed to delude myself for the past few weeks imagining it …
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If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine . . .
Compost that is. What did you think I was talking about? At my suggestion in a recent comment, Carol at May Dreams Gardens …
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