The Tiered Borders
Gardening in the tiered borders is completely different from the back garden. They get some protection from the wind which is nice, and they are raised high above the other gardens. The top tier has native sandy soil while the others have improved soil. This was done purposely to grow different plants. The echinacea seems to really like the native soil.
The bottom tier gets the most water as it retains any moisture that flows from the two tiers above.

seen from the path.
This garden was done in a cottage style, but with plants that like Oklahoma weather. Phlox paniculata, daylilies, roses and other shrubs are all part of these borders. The colors are brights mixed with purples. I want to change up some of the colors in 2013. I do love Rosa ‘About Face’ because its buds are tangerine, and the open blooms are apricot.

These are also the beds where I first planted ‘Atom’ or ‘Atomic’ glads. Just looking at them warms me on a very cold day.

This is an early view because the swing set is still part of the background.