Dear Ones,
As I write this, the wind is howling around the corner of my oh, so, cozy kitchen, rattling the windowpanes. After an 80F degree day yesterday, last night, another nasty Canadian cold front snuck across the Oklahoma border. The forecasters are again talking about snow for the northwest part of the state. I do love the Canadians, but I find their weather abhorrent, especially in April. That’s why I live in Oklahoma where it’s usually warm, sometimes even during winter.
It’s Palm Sunday, and all through Mass, I dreamed of warmer climes than mine. Tonight’s low is supposed to be 31F. Not so bad really when you consider Tuesday’s projected low of 24F. HH is busy working at the Diva’s ancient school today (rebuilding the main staircase), so guess who got to help me cover plants?
Even though they griped and complained throughout, those three were troopers in their stocking caps and scarves. We managed to cover the poor, ailing Japanese maple hurt by a freeze two weeks ago, and anything else I had sheets for. I did cover the vegetables. The Diva said she’d rather have vegetables this summer than roses. Maybe she isn’t such a Diva after all.
Me? I’ll take roses anytime. And daffodils, and lilacs and peonies. Even when they aren’t in bloom.

Oh, dang, that reminds me. I think I better cover the peonies too. Their red leaves are topped with cranberry colored, swollen buds. I think the cold might snap them in two.
As for the apples and peaches, the ones I eat won’t be coming from my yard this year.
The Diva, ASW and Bear will get extra wonderful baskets from the Easter Bunny next Sunday. I promise.
Speaking of Easter, you know the big, family celebration is always at our house. Remember that new front landscaping which I was so proud of and wanted to show off? Hmmm . . . now what was it, that “goeth before a fall?”
This week, we are all just hunkered down waiting for the next two days to pass. By Wednesday, it is supposed to be sunny again. I’ll be cleaning house and such in preparation for the festivities next Sunday. Ooh, afterward, I get to buy plants again! Lent is technically over today, but not really, and you know giving up buying plants has been good for me. It made me buy a lot more seeds for one thing, which are cheaper. Seeds also added more diversity to my garden because I bought several unusual varieties. Like I said, it’s been good for me. Will I do it again next year? Uhm, probably not.

Back to that nasty pride of mine, I have these two large containers by the front door. They are filled right now with . . . nothing. Nada. Zip. I’ve worried about how I can plant those pots before the family comes over, but I would be forced to do it Sunday morning. This morning, while we eating breakfast at Jimmy’s Egg (an Oklahoma brunch-bunch institution), out of the blue, the Diva said,
“Give me your credit card, and I’ll go to the nursery and pick out plants for the front.”
(I wasn’t complaining. I promise) I told her she didn’t like plants. She said that was true, but she couldn’t stand the pots looking all empty and sad. Then, I said,
“You’re not going to put silk flowers out there, are you?”
Her green eyes twinkled. She laughed and said “Of course not.”
She is always threatening me with silk flowers, the little scamp. The question is, do I trust her to do the pots out front? By herself? I think I shall.
Til next time, I remain hopeful that spring will again come to Oklahoma. By the way, how are things in your neck of the woods?
This series of letters are between Carol of May Dreams Gardens, Mary Ann of Idaho Gardener and me. We’re conversing across the miles about the growth of our gardens. Won’t you join us?
That wicked Canadian weather kept us frozen for the past several days too, Dee. But the sun shone today and brightened things up, even though the wind was chilly. I hope your plants weren’t damaged too much.
Those daffodils are the prettiest!
Can’t wait to know the end of the empty pot story 🙂
Happy Easter Dee!
kerri´s last blog post..Down by the Riverside
Hi Dee, what a delightful story, even if it involved some daggone cold temps. Glad to hear your stuff survived with help from the blankets and the kids. They do deserve special treats from the Easter bunny. The vibe about the front pots sounds good to me. She will make you proud, I would be willing to bet. 🙂 Easter at my house this year too. Hope it warms up!
Frances´s last blog post..White Tree Peony Identity Discovered
Hilarious! Loved the part about your kids. Had to go read your “about” page to learn about them! Good luck with the weather. We’re supposed to get a frost tonight, too. My HH is going to have to help me cover plants. Got a little frisky with the annuals last weekend!
Brrrrr Dee, that doesn’t sound like fun at all. Here the weather has been pretty good so far and we actually have had spring weather. Amazing as it has been known to be bitterly cold here too in April. Hope the worst is over now and that by tomorrow both the weather and you are your sunny selves once more. 😉
Arggghhhh! My back simply will not take many more of these wintery threats! I’ve lost count of how many times I wagged pots into and out of the garage, and how many times I’ve pulled out the sheets and blankets and covered up groups of plants. This afternoon I did it again, cursing and hoping this will be the last time this year!
It looks like Easter at your garden with the Phlox & Daffodils in bloom. We’ll be hard pressed to having anything but Hellebores in bloom for Easter this year.
Wow, MMD, I can’t believe you’ll only have Hellebores. I just wish it wouldn’t warm things up let them get all leafed out and then keep slamming them.~~Dee
Dee, I feel your pain, I’ve been covering plants, too. Will cover more before tonight. Thought I would let you know that the name of your daffodil is probablly ‘Sir Winston Churchill’, I bought bulbs on the Lily Auction from Bobbie Brooks several years ago.
Good Luck! Your a little further north than me, I’m sure it will get colder.
Hi LaDonna, it’s sad, isn’t it? I’m going to cover the peonies and the other Japanese maple tonight while restoring everything that blew away in yesterday’s wind. You know, I was just looking at ‘Sir Winston Churchill’ today, and you may be right. In any event, I love it. Here’s hoping it doesn’t get too cold.~~Dee
Today’s high is anticipated to peak at 80 degrees with a low tonight of 50. The lawns are beautiful now- but the pollen count is pretty high. Tomorrow some eagerly awaited rain should sneak in for the evening drive home.
The garden is yawning awake. From my study window I see roses and iris: nasturtiums and angel’s trumpet.
Oh, Lydia, I’m so glad. I can’t wait to see my roses again. Soon.~~Dee
Dee, Those generous Canadians have gifted us, too! It’s sleeting right now…I think the sleet will weigh heavy on the sheets and flatten the plants…sigh. I can’t wait to see your new planting! What a fun surprise. gail
Hi Gail, Ewww, sleet? Fun indeed.~~Dee
Dee, I hope this is the last such gift from the Canadians! I’ll look forward to hearing about what the Diva creates in the pots out front.
Me too, Cindy. I wish the Canadians would just visit instead of their weather. (LOL) Can’t wait to see what Miss Diva dreams up.~~Dee
The weather had been a real pain in the tush this year. Yesterday we had our first full day of real spring-like weather, and today will be the same. I intend on spending every minute I can outdoors, even if the muscles in my body protest after the workout they got yesterday. Ibuprofen will help *grin*
Hi Keewee, I’m glad you’re getting some beautiful weather. Have fun and keep the Ibuprofen on standby.~~Dee
A cliffhanger! I am dying to know what flowers she picked out.
I have daffodil buds, some erythronium buds, scilla, and galanthus.
Eliz, spring is starting to show itself in your garden I see. Yea!~~Dee
It’s one of those danged Canadians….. I’m presently reading the weather network with a warning of 10-15cm of snow in the next 24 hours…… If nothing, we Canadians like to share! Great to have the kids to help out, and especially liked the threat of artificial flowers, reminds me of my Gran’s garden when her eyesight got too bad and she couldn’t bend…. there is a place for them after all! Hope I ‘go’ before that happens to me (LOL)
teza´s last blog post..A Day at LittleTree
No, no, Teza, I love my Canadian friends. I just think your weather is horrid. Please don’t send anymore. 🙂 The Diva will catch outside covered in sweat and say very smugly “I’m going to have silk flowers in my yard.” Makes me want to scream, and she knows it. Lots of little elderly ladies have them and their plastic counterparts. I hope I get to grow things until I keel over next to the arbor.~~Dee
Gorgeous daffs, Dee.
Thanks, Stuart.~~Dee
The daffs look fabulous!
Sorry the wind and weather is so unpredictable. Your own version of the all white garden? Covered w/sheets.
It’s actually a little warm this afternoon and oh so welcome. I’ve been pruning and making a mess.
Hang in there until next week, friend.
MA, that made me really laugh out loud!~~Dee
I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting apples this year, either. We are going to be very cold early this week. I hope it warms up for you!
Your kids are all something special for helping you in the garden. It’s nice of the Easter bunny to take notice of that and reward them!
Carol, I’ll tell them. They weren’t too excited to be sure. The Easter Bunny, like Santa, knows when you’re good or bad.~~Dee