When I put out my eggplant, tomato and pepper transplants early, I did it while firmly crossing my fingers. April 20th is our last freeze date for much of Oklahoma, and I was taking my chances. I was prepared to cover the plants with sheets or empty containers. I wanted to plant my new little garden in the worse kind of way.
What I didn’t expect was this. We were under a thunderstorm warning, but, around 9:30 p.m., hail rained down upon all the poor plants.

Some fared better than others. This eggplant wasn’t so lucky. Neither were its two sisters.
Nor were these onions. Remember them standing ramrod straight for their photograph in the last post? Now, they are taking the hail lying down. Who can blame them?
Some of the flowers are too.
Many of the tulips were overwhelmed by this fast moving storm’s ferocity, but I bet they will snap back for the most part. Their stems aren’t broken.
After I took the photos, I worked on removing broken stems and clearing the debris away from the plants before it rots in the sun. I think I only lost one tomato which had its main stem broken in half. The eggplants remain to be seen, but I can buy a couple more if I must. I think they will be okay. As for the basil, it will come back stronger.
Further, we received rain. The storm passed, and most of the garden looks just fine.
As for life’s storms, many of you have asked about my father-in-law. He is home from the hospital, and he and my mother-in-law are both receiving care at home. My sister-in-law, Maria, came from St. Louis and gave my other sisters-in-law the weekend to rest. They did get to come to Easter. Now, we wait and see how things go from here.
Spring and life in general are full of storms. Afterward, we clean up and carry on. In the garden, it is the same. My fingers are still crossed against a late freeze.
Gardeners are optimists that is for sure. I envy that last freeze date. Mine is late May. Also, your redbuds are glorious.
Ah, but we trade that earlier freeze for a hellish summer. However, I’m adjusted to our weather. You live where it’s too cold Layanee.~~Dee
Your garden looks like it fared well considering the size of the hail, but it’s a bit disheartening when damage from storms happens.
Glad to hear that your FL is at home now and I hope he is doing better. When family members are ill it’s hard for everyone involved.
.-= Sweet Bay´s last blog ..Out with the old, in with the new =-.
Well, it’s doing okay as a whole. It’s just the veggies which saw the most damage.~~Dee
I’m so sorry. I hope the garden is springing back.
Love the red fountain.
.-= Janell West´s last blog ..Prescribed Meditations =-.
No worries, Janell. It is already springing back. Nature has that amazing ability.~~Dee
Dee, I say the same about weeds; my life is as full of weeds as my garden; but I tolerate both!
I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that there are no more freezes!
Nola, I love your saying. I will remember it.~~Dee
Eek, I always forget about spring storms bringing hail. For late freezes, you can always cover things up. But you can’t do a thing about the hail. It’s great you didn’t lose too many things outright. My best wishes for your in-laws’ continued recovery. I know how that goes (dealing with the same here).
.-= Jean´s last blog ..Cottage Garden, Houston Style =-.
Oh! It is always hard to see our babies being treated so roughly. That hail could have come at any time–well after the last freeze date–you just never know. I hope they recover nicely for you.
Good news about your father-in-law. It is so hard to find elder-care. I am glad they have the care and support they need.
.-= Jenny B´s last blog ..Double Duty =-.
I’m sad on behalf of your eggplant, although they may still recover, with tender loving care. What a terrible introduction to summer! I’m sorry this happened to you, and especially so early in the season. We do have hail here in the hottest part in late July and August — although it was 92 yesterday, so we’re not so far off in temperatures from that time.
Even when she’s in disarray, ‘Lady Jane’ looks lovely to me. 🙂
.-= Meredith´s last blog ..the volunteers =-.
There’s not much to do when the hail comes…unless you want to get pounded along with the plants. I’m glad things seem to have, for the most part, made it through and am happy for your family that at least for now things are holding steady for your inlaws.
.-= Leslie´s last blog ..Ready, Set…Wait =-.
I suppose it could have been much worse. Spring is such a temperamental season! One day she lures us out to the garden to plant tomatoes and the next days she throws hail down on them.
Good to hear that your father-in-law is out of the hospital
.-= Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog ..The Clothed Ladies of Spring =-.
I’m glad that the hail didn’t do too much damage. You just never know what things will look like afterward, but plants are resilient–like people. Hang in there.
.-= Pam/Digging´s last blog ..Spring fever! =-.
Nasty hail, one of the scariest things. Can make our tropicals turn to shreds in a quick minute.
.-= compostinmyshoe´s last blog ..Dirty Fingers =-.
Dee, That was a shock, was it not? However, I know we can anticipate snow here for at least another couple of weeks. Everything in the gardens are growing so quickly (warm weather) this year… but one takes it as it comes.
Your gardens actually look pretty good, after having hail. I hope we see Good Things over there soon. 🙂
.-= shady gardener´s last blog ..ABC Wednesday – L is for Loquacious =-.
Our best wishes for your family members, Dee. May they return to health soon, as your garden no doubt will. This year we have been more patient about planting things before that magic last frost date, the same as yours. Being away helped slow down our fervor, and the devastating losses from last year’s tomatoes and peppers lost to a late cold snap. We should have known, like the old timers do around here, to just bide our time, no matter how warm it gets or how itchy our trigger fingers get with the trowel.
.-= Frances´s last blog ..Daffodils 2010 =-.
Oh, hail, indeed! I’m glad you didn’t lose more than that. You’ve got the right attitude, which doesn’t surprise me a bit. I’m happy that your FIL is home and that the family is rallying to support each other. Hugs and prayers from my corner of Katy to y’all!
.-= Cindy, MCOK´s last blog ..What DID I Do Today? =-.
I would be collecting empty 5gal buckets to cover your precious plants with. I hope it doesn’t freeze again. It does feel like this spring is ahead of itself. You have such a pretty garden even half filled in. I like seeing the overall photos.
Hopefully, all will come back even stronger. I know how it goes with hail. The sound of it just makes my heart ache for everything in my garden. Glad your FIL is home.
.-= Gardener on Sherlock Street´s last blog ..Tour: Part 1 =-.
Not surprising you have a category on your blog called Wild Weather. You do have a roller coaster climate.
.-= Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening´s last blog ..Seed-Starting: Online Help =-.
Do hope all ‘springs’ back, Dee! Healing hugs for family and your garden.
Oh dear…So glad the damage wasn’t as bad as it has been in the past…The garden does look good with the dust and pollen washed away. That’s what we’re hoping for here…rains to wash the worse pollen we’ve had in years…So very glad to hear that your in-laws are surrounded with loving and supportive family…Everyone needs breaks and rest when care taking. Hugs to you, gail
.-= Gail´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday~Sort Of =-.
We gardeners are a tough lot. We just clean up the mess and keep going forward. It’s a good way to get through life.
.-= Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Anemonella thalictroides =-.
Oy vey. That must be disspiriting.
Wishing you and your plants healing energies.
You’re right about life being full of storms, meteorological and otherwise, Dee. Sorry about the hail, though obviously it could have been worse, as you point out. Hopefully farm crops aren’t up that far as to be affected either.
I’m glad your father-in-law is home and that there’s good family support. It’s really hard, dealing with ailing parents. Been there, done that, will have to do it again.
.-= jodi (bloomingwriter)´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Tulipa ‘Orange Surprise’ =-.