Because I’m a Proven Winners® Garden Guru, I received two boxes of plants this spring, many of which will be introduced in 2013. Below is a quick video of just some of the ways I used them in my garden and in containers.
After I finished planting, I asked Proven Winners® if I could give away some of my favorite cultivars. They agreed, so we are going to have a Proven Winners® giveaway fiesta with Senorita Rosalita® leading the way. I get excited just thinking about it.
Here are the details:
Date: Contest begins today, May 31,, 2012 and ends on Friday June 8, 2012 at Midnight.
Location: Here at my blog.
How to enter: Enter by leaving a comment telling me your favorite Proven Winners® cultivar. Then, if you want to enter again, tweet or facebook this contest leaving me a comment that you have done so along with the link.
The winner will receive a box of Proven Winners® plant varieties which may include some of the following:
ColorBlaze® Dipt in Wine coleus (Love it!)
ColorBlaze® Velvet Mocha coleus (Liking it a lot.)
ColorBlaze® Sedona coleus (Love it! Can you tell I’m a big coleus fan?)
ColorBlaze® LifeLime coleus
Superbells® Tequila Sunrise (Love it and wrote about it on the Proven Winners® page.)
Supertunia® Bubblegum Pink (You know I love this one.)
Superbells® Blackberry Punch
Superbena® Royal Peachy Keen
Senorita Rosalita® cleome (My favorite cleome, but there’s a new cleome coming to town, Senorita Blanca®. I’m testing it this year.)
Karalee® Petite Pink guara
Simply Scentsational® heliotrope
Totally Tempted® Cuphea and so many more. Note: I don’t know exactly which varieties will be sent for sure, but I asked for those like the ones above which beat the heat.
So, tell me which Proven Winners® plants you love the most and tweet or facebook your answers for even more ways to win. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator, but I’m still thrilled to see which plants you like best.
Have fun and enter.
Know the contest is over-just thought of a Proven Winners plant that I might have to have-Empress Wu Hosta- Looks amazing!
If you are wanting Empress Wu and in OKC, Bob Scott Nursery carries it. Got it there and it made it through the summer of 2011 here in OKC. That is a big thing with last years summer especially for hostas.
Thanks for the comment. I live in Indiana however so may have to order it online. I have not seen this hosta at any of my local plant stores, but still have a few local ones to check out. Glad to hear your feed back on this plant. Happy Gardening!
Always use proven winners. Love all the perennials and annuals, sedums, shrubs. Can Not miss with a proven winner!
Diamond Frost Euphorbia and Persian Shield, Diamond Frost & Hydranbeas.
So many things to love! I finally have some shady areas, I also hydrangeas are a new favorite. Coleus and diamond frost euphorbia always do well in my pots.
I absolutely love coleus and that Dipped in Wine is just glorious! I know living in the UK counts me out, but I still wanted to tell you how lovely your garden is looking! 🙂
I have to say “Diamond Frost” is my favorite. I like to add to to many of my containers.
You know- as with most of my Garden I like to For it to tell a story. I like the hibiscus hybrid. Any color- reminds me of my grandmother- as a child I used to watch her dig up and transplant for years her “rose of Sharon” and perennial hibiscus until the entire fence line was covered. She has Alzheimer’s and these days I find myself desperate to grasp the memories of how I became who I am through her. So I have found a lot of comfort in These plants as well as the four oclocks the peonies and her figurines I salvaged from her garden to remind me that although she is slipping away I can look to these plants and keep a piece of her that will never leave me.
I love the cuphea and the coleus Dipt in wine, which I put in a blue ceramic container. They are loving this crazy rainy weather- thriving!
i love proven winners Calibricha’s . every year i buy a few. They just give mr great pleasure. I also have a plant by them that has leaves ariund the base and shoots out long ornamental looking grass with little pink flowers. i want to say its tiddly winks but i dont think thats right. i have had it a full year and its 4 feet wide now. i love it!
My current favorite is Petunia ‘Pretty Much Picasso’
My favorite is veronica sweet lullabybut I’m a huge fan of veronica!
Superbelles Petunias are absolutely beautiful. I’m not a big petunia fan, but these made me think again.
It’s hard to pick a favorite. I’m on the hunt though, for some Proven Winners ‘Lo and Behold Blue Chip’ butterfly bushes. One of our garden centers was supposed to get me the six I NEED but I haven’t heard form them in a while. I think I’ll call them to see what the deal is. (I am also grateful to have received some trial plants from PW so please don’t enter me in the contest. I just wanted to leave a comment.)
Love the video.
Waaaaa! I want a Proven Winner’s load like that!!! Actually, I love all Proven Winner’s but I guess my fav is Superbells, any of the burn-your-eyes-out colors. I hope they ALL are proven winners for you:)
went back and noticed the cuphea-I’m a sucker for batface:). A total sucker:).
After seeing Diamond Frost growing so beautifully on the Bridge of Flowers last year, and noticing how much happy comment it got, I had to add it to my own garden this year. I have it added to a container, but it also blooms luxuriously on the Bridge this year. Of course, this is only one of the Proven Winners in my garden. All their plants are really dependable.
I LOVE hydrangeas!
Superbells® Tequila Sunrise fits my taste and decor!
I realize I have already entered, but just wanted to share my recent purchase. I have decided to replace the Knockout rose I had to remove with a PW Wine and Roses. I have been trying to find a place for one of those for awhile now and think the leaves and blooms will come close to duplicating the rose. It helps to look at the loss of a plant as an opportunity to try a new one!
Hydrangeas are such a romantic flower, I just love them all! But I have this one of these (see link), and it is my favorite. Any oak leaf hydrangea is my next hydrangea purchase.
I do love Proven Winners, please enter me in drawing. A couple of my favorites are the Diamond Frost Euphorbia and Persian Shield both a must for patio/porch pots. Last year I purchased the red Cordyline tender perennial and not a comeback for our area, but with mild winter it is back and bigger thriving better this summer. At the different garden centers I have recently discovered Nemesia “Mango” and in love, it goes so well with Osteospermum in which the Symphony Series are fantastic. So pick me pick me please, more pots in the hot.
PS love the site.
I am wanting to try the Dolce Peach Melba Heuchera. We have a large area under 5 gorgeous tall oak trees that needs some color in spite of so much shade.
I tweeted!! Hope i posted the link correctly. reddirtramblings.com/?p=19863
Too many favorites to pick just one, but one of my favorites is the goodness gracious hosta. Beautiful color!
Hello, read about your contest on pinterest. My favorite Proven Winners plant this year is the Supertunia Raspberry Blast. It’s done well despite a couple of days above 100 degrees. Full of blooms and growing like crazy. Love it!!
Supertunia® Bubblegum Pink hands down the BEST! I planted it surrounding both driveway beds with Snow Princess in between each one. They were about the only plantings that survived the hail storm this week. At least I’ll have my Supertunia® Bubblegum Pink to love when I get home from work.
Limelight! But really love them all but any and all hydrangea has my heart!
I tweeted it =) https://twitter.com/poodle_power/status/209846056542941188
I have to say Proven Winners can take a licking, my Incrediball was so close to dead so many times last summer, I didn’t get it in, plus it was so hot and dry, by the end of the summer, it had almost no leaves left and most of the branches were brittle and dead. I thought I was going to have to toss it in the compost, so imagine my surprise this spring when it put out leaves, it probably has 15 blooms on it right now! That is a Proven Winner!
Tequila Sunrise is my fav!
Salvia Black and Blue is a staple at my house… two little pots have multiplied (by underground runners) in my mom’s garden over the past three years. Now we’re both giving the new shoots away each spring… I even left a bag of about 15 plants for our city gardener at his request. Tough, tolerant of sun or partial shade, popular with butterflies and hummingbirds… and it’s gorgeous to boot.
I love the Supertunia’s, they did great even through last summer’s heat. Bubblegum Pink is my favorite and it made it through the mild winter on the south side of the house!
I cna’t remember the exact name but the new white nemessia is utterly gorgeous. Baby Tut is great for a water garden too.
There are so many great options that I can’t pick a favorite; however, I do love that the plants from Proven Winners come in containers that are easy to recycle :). Thanks for the wonderful blog; it’s nice to be inspired by your great attitude regarding the ups and downs of gardening here in Oklahoma!
Sun mango nemesia
Karalee® Petite Pink guara is my favorite – so delicate & pretty. I always thought it would be beautiful at the cemetery – and in my yard. 🙂
Proven Winners are the plants that gave me confidence as a gardener. I love so many of them. One of my absolute favorites is PW’s Weigela Wine and Roses. It has added so much to my landscape. The foliage is beautiful and so are the deep pink flowers.
One of my favorites is ‘Raspberry Blast’ Supertunia. It just goes on and on all summer. But I also love ‘Blackberry Punch’ Superbells and ‘Sedona’ coleus and . . . sheesh, I like almost all the varieties from Proven Winners!
boy I have to pick one…geesh….I love the super series…but the Superbells are my fav especially the Tequilla Sunrise…what a great contest Dee…
On my first visit to nursery this year, saw some watering cans planted with petunias. I justed happen to have a metal watering can that had started leaking, so I planted mine with Proven Winner’s Pretty Much Picasso Putunia. I love it! Sets on my deck beside my favorite spot to read. Purple with lime green is a favorite color scheme of mine. It’s very festive.
Okay – I’m going to have to go out on a limb for my husband in this entry. I say, I LOVE ALL COLEUS. ALL I say, ALL of them. Why? Because he does and I’m usually the one picking out flowers. So – “to my husband – I love you so much I’m entering a contest for you.” ~ RDK
I don’t want to enter the giveaway, but I do want to say how excited I am about the papyrus becoming more available! Last year a friend of mine planted 2 pots with papyrus (not sure what cultivar) in the centers, and they were absolutely fabulous. This year I looked all over for interesting pot center plants for the pots at my church’s temple and had little luck. Definitely no papyrus available. Several of the pots ended up with plain old dracena spikes, and one was planted with a Juncus ‘Blue Arrows’, which should be nice. I also considered corkscrew rush but needed something more upright and formal. Other options included cannas and red phormium, but I don’t really like either of those plants. Anyway, I’m really looking forward to the papyrus – especially because it proved to be perfectly deer-resistant for us.
I love all the coleus. Rosalita cleome, Euphorbia diamond frost….to name a few.
Dee!! What a cool video. Makes me want to schedule that garden tour even MORE as if that’s possible. LOL
Okay, faves… My mouth has been watering for a while over the bubble gum pink petunia and I have ALWAYS loved lantanas. But today I have to pick the Tequila Sunrise!! Wonderful.
Have a fabulous weekend!! xoxo
I facebooked your link on both of my pages!
I tweeted your link! xoxo
Great contest! I’ve grown the Rosalita cleome in the past and loved it.
I do not have a favorite. How could I possibly pick just one?! Thank you for another fabulous giveaway opportunity.
I absolutely just love Proven Winners!!! I planted as many of them last year and this year as possible!!! I just love my hydrangeas: Pinky Winkie, Incrediball, Invincibelle Spirit( which I bought because I love them and because a dollar from the sale goes to breast cancer research) and Endless Summer Blooms!!! I hope to get one of every kind or more than one of every kind!!! I also was amazed when My Monet bloomed this year!!! It is such a unique plant!!! I also am amazed about Bloomerang Purple Lilacs!!! They were just beautiful this year!!! My Pinkie Winkie took a terrible beating with that early snow storm that we had in October. I was so worried about all the damage it took, but never fear a Proven Winner is just that a Proven Winner!!! It came back beautifully!!! You just can’t buy better plants!!! Thanks Proven Winners!!!
I just have to have some of that Senorita Rosalita® cleome. Very nice.
I absolutely love Snow Princess. This plant has become a staple for me. I’ve used it in so many of my containers. It looks great with Superbells like Blackberry Punch. I love that you are giving away plants. Everyone should have an opportunity to enjoy good quality plants like these. I have posted this contest on my Facebook page as well. Hopefully, more of my “friends” will sign up to receive this wonderful giveaway….that is of course if I don’t win (I’ll be giving and share the wealth). 🙂
Love Proven Winners!!!!!!!!! Coriopis is one of mine. Dee, thanks. Your heart is in the right place for giving away these plants to a lucky winner.
Pinterest is so popular that I posted a link to your website. You can find the posting by searching Pinterest for the subject-
Proven Winners Plant Give-a-way
Thank you Belinda. That’s a wonderful idea!
Proven Winners plants are my go to plants! Love everything that I have planted -from annuals to shrubs- Oso Easy Paprika roses have reddish orange blossoms and are so abundant neighbors stop to ask about these beautiful shrubs. Our Wine and Roses Weigela looks beautiful with it’s dark purple leaves and pink blossoms. King Tut amazes everyone – a fun plant to grow due to it’s rapid growth spurt and height- and hydrangeas—Limelight, Quickfire, Cityline Rio, and my garden favorite-Pinky Winky- are getting ready to put on their annual show. Containers of annuals with Snow Princess, Sweet Caroline, and Dreamsicle are potted up for the summer. Love my Proven Winners plants- makes gardening very easy having beautiful, dependable, and healthy plants~!
Diamond Frost Euphorbia, absolutely gorgeous. Very hearty and I was delighted to find that I can root it in water. Found this out quite by accident when I broke off a branch when planting and it was too pretty to throw away. Would be awesome to win these plants.
I am in, and I think my favorite is Sedona coleus. This is my second year growing it on the front porch in a pot.
Dear Dee,
I would LOVE to be the winner of this batch of garden beauties, but the one I would be most excited about receiving is the heliotrope, because fragrance is my favorite thing about flowers.
love all proven winners! Lantana citrus punch one of my fav’s!
Lots of my favorites are on your list! Love Blackberry Punch, Laguna sky blue, Vista silverberry, Dipt in Wine coleus and on and on. Trying White Russian with some dk. foliages and it looks like a winner!
Love love love Supertunia vista bubblegum…have several made up…also combined laguna sky blue, superbells yellow chiffon, supertunia bermuda beach will make a stunning color scheme!
I love any variety of Supertunia. Supertunia mini strawberry pink veined is my absolute favorite.
Picking a favorite Proven Winners plant is very hard, but my vote would have to be for ‘Bubble Gum Pink’. It blooms nonstop here in my garden.
Sue Ellen
You got a load of beautiful flowers Dee. I love Proven Winners. I had one of their calibricolas that wintered over in a pot up by my house this past winter. Shows you how mild the winter was. It is merrily blooming in the garden now. It is a red one. I am not sure what it’s name is but it is hearty.
I’ve never met a Superbell I didn’t love.
Would make a lovely birthday gift for me on the 9th, don’t you think?
I would love to win your contest even though it’s not June 1, I assume I can enter today! LOL!! My favorite is Superbells Blackberry Punch!
So jealous that you got all those plants, Dee. I like the Karalee® Petite Pink guara the best.
Sign me up girl! Love your video too!!
I just bought Salvia Black and Blue. I can’t wait to see it bloom!
Not sure how to share a link for this contest through Facebook, but I did post it there.
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I found Proven Winners Cuphea several years ago and have one plant that continues to come back. Mr. Batface is my favorite for this reason.
The white bacopa, Snowstorm White and Supertunia Bubblegum Pink are my absolute favorites that I’ve tried, but every single Proven Winner plant has done well in my garden and so I push all others aside at the nursery and seek out the Proven Winners because I know it is worth my time to plant them.
My favorite PW plant is the Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’. But they have so many great ones to choose from.
being from Athens with Dr.’s Dirr and Armatage, we are so blessed with Proven Winners. Dee thanks for showcasing them. they are so well grown and tested. real proven winners. 😉 best, Peggy and Orchid Ladies
Absolutely love all the new Superbells, but my favorite is Tequila Sunrise. The subtle change of colors in different lights and angles make it delight.