Doug Green, a friend of mine from Garden Writers Association, asked several of us to do a guest post on his blog about designing a …
Wildflower Wednesday: Coreopsis tinctoria, golden tickseed
I always think it's interesting that the beautiful genus of Coreopsis is commonly referred to as tickseed. Frankly, it unnerves me …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners, July 19, 2010
Dear Carol, Mary Ann and all of other friends, I'm hot, and yesterday, the water well broke in the middle of my shower. It's …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, July 2010, high summer
The rains have come and gone throughout most of the spring and now well into summer. The garden looks overblown and flousy like a …
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Wildflower Wednesday: Russelia equisetiformis
Okay, so Russelia equisetiformis, commonly known as firecracker plant or coral plant, isn't native to the United States. It is, …
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