Dear Friends, It's still hot. We only have cucumbers. Finally, broke down and went to the farmer's market. Bought …
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder . . .
Or, of the camera, as it were. My Nikon D90 with its multi-purpose 18-70 mm lens has been at the doctor (all the way to Nikon …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners Week 22
Dear Carol, Mary Ann and all of our other gardening friends, This morning, after breakfast, I walked six times around our …
Work Day
Because we've had so much rain in the last three days (two inches) and such fine weather, today was a big-time work day in the red …
Dear Friends and Gardeners, Are We at Week 21 Yet?
Dear Carol, Mary Ann and our other wonderful friends, Sorry about missing last week. My hands were full of maternal and …
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