All week, I've been afflicted with Garden Visit Anxiety Disorder, otherwise known as GVAD. Symptoms include, but are not limited …
Green Beans and the Livin’ is Easy
I didn't plant green beans this year. However, I love them and have grown so many types, I've lost count. Green beans are an easy …
August Garden Bloggers’ Muse Day: Farmer’s Market
Farmer's Market Baby Eggplant Halved, dusted, fried Velvet . . . On My Tongue My poetry for this month was …
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Cucumbers and Onions and Grandma Nita’s Fried Squash
On any given week during these hot summer days, you will find cucumbers and onions chilling in my refrigerator. I believe the …
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First Garden Mentor: Edith Juanita
People with Dirty Hands: The Passion for Gardening, by Robin Chotzinoff is one of my favorite garden memoirs. Last night, for the …