Every month Carol from May Dreams Gardens invites gardeners from around the world to celebrate what's blooming for Garden …
Garden temptation
Consider this post, chock-full of eye candy, your garden temptation for the week. Grow something. You see, I really want you …
English roses to know and grow
It's a windy almost-spring day outside so let's talk about English roses to know and grow in Oklahoma. I probably haven't written …
Isn’t it romantic?
I'm working on an article for Oklahoma Gardener magazine, and while going through my photos, I found these of my garden from last …
Niki Jabbour’s Veggie Garden Remix Book Giveaway
I feel fortunate to be part of Niki Jabbour's Veggie Garden Remix: 224 New Plants to Shake Up Your Garden and Add Variety, Flavor, …
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