At Gardening Gone Wild, they're holding another Picture Perfect contest, and this month's entries are roses, so you know I had to …
The Many Flowers, I Mean People, of Spring Fling
We're supposed to wrap up any Spring Fling posts before Friday, so here are a few photos from the event of the people who were …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners Week 14
Dear Carol and Mary Ann (and all of our other friends), Sorry I'm late to the party. Sunday night, two thunderstorms came …
Three Signature Spring Chicago Plants as Seen by an Outsider
Throughout our travels, there were three plants I saw in nearly every garden, public or private. Amsonia tabernaemontana, blue …
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Hangin’ with my Peeps
I bet you thought this post was going to be about garden bloggers didn't you? Nah, it's not that simple. Although I'm having a …