Symphony in Yellow By Oscar Wilde An omnibus across the bridge Crawls like a yellow butterfly And, here and there, a …
I’ll Take Roses on the Side
In 2000, visions of blossoms danced in my head, and I planted two climbing 'Joseph's Coat' roses on the East side of my house. The …
Garden Bloggers Book Club: Dear Friend and Gardener
I am nearly finished with the December/January selection for the Garden Bloggers Book Club. This was my first time to participate, …
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A Garden’s Growth
My friend, Mary Ann, suggested I write more about the origins of my garden. My first thought was "Oh, no, I want it to be perfect …
A Feast for the Senses
We had a scrumptious feast a week ago Friday. It's taken me this long to gather my information. Thanks to Kacee for having the …