Tour gardens are pageant girls. And, yes, I could have used contestants in the headline, but that wouldn't be alliteration, …
No garden variety apologies needed
While shopping at box stores and garden nurseries, I often see old friends and meet new ones, usually over plants. In fact, it's …
Plant lilies for summer garden drama
Want some drama in the summer garden? Why don't you plant some lilies this year? You say you're scared of lilies? Don't …
Favorite perennials from Bustani Plant Farm
A couple of weeks ago, I ran up to Stillwater to visit Bustani Plant Farm, which as you know, is my favorite nursery. I had a …
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Blessed be gardens and weddings in May
It's the beginning of May. Sorry I haven't written in a couple of weeks. You must forgive me. Like the garden, I am gathering my …
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