Remember all that hurrying and scurrying we did from late February to June? Well, the dog days of August are here, and because I …
Stories from the Garden Bloggers Fling: Chickadee Gardens
If your mind is still a blur from all the sensory input even two weeks later, how would you write the stories of the Garden …
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Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: July
I got home last night at Midnight after a seven-day journey first to Boise, Idaho for a visit with Mary Ann Newcomer and then …
Four B’s to daylily garden zen
You may have noticed a lot of daylily bloom posts on Red Dirt Ramblings this year. For those of you bored by all this hemnut …
Come on over to daylily’s dark side
Imagine, for a moment, Darth Vader holding a daylily scape in his hand instead of a light saber. He's exhorting Luke Skywalker to …