The end of the year usually marks a roundup of posts. However, this year, I thought I would change things up a bit. Let's look …
Puttering and potting up
Whew! I've been working steadily to get The 20-30 Something Garden Guide done, and writing, proofing, editing doesn't leave much …
A quick review of the Edible Garden, by Alys Fowler, and a giveaway copy too
I like Alys Fowler's writing, and while I am not enthusiastic about reading another vegetable gardening book right now--I'm …
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It’s eternal summer in the greenhouse
It may be winter outside, but in the greenhouse, it's always summer no matter what the weather. It's humid, warm and when the …
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A package from the postwoman!
I got a big box in the mail. My postal carrier, who is a dear woman, drove it up my long driveway and honked for me to come …