Autumn arrived at RDR this morning with a kiss from icy lips. A cold front with rain barreled through the center of the state …
Refresh your garden with a giveaway and through color, texture and form
Rebecca Sweet, co-author of the bestselling, Garden Up! Smart Vertical Gardening for Small and Large Spaces that I reviewed a …
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Bulb forcing experiments
Yes, I know, it's mid-fall, and here I am talking about forcing bulbs indoors. Well, now is the time. All bulbs except the …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day October, 2013
Mid-Autumn wears her lofty crown this Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. October is a month of changes in my Oklahoma garden. We still …
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Skiing in the Colorado Rockies
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where …