What a cute title for a book . . . Once Upon a Flock: Life with My Soulful Chickens is Lauren Scheuer's loving memoir about …
Chickens are undervalued
For all they do in our lives, chickens are undervalued as creatures and birds. I hate what factory farming has done to most …
Sunflower symphonies
Last summer, in my vast garden full of flowering plants, there were none I enjoyed more than sunflowers. I wrote about them as …
Blog party for Lawn Gone and Cobra tool giveaway
Pam Penick, who started the Garden Blogger Flings with the first one in Austin, TX, has some solutions for those of you conflicted …
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New shrubs for 2013
In my heart of hearts, I'm a fair-weather gardener. I'd rather stay indoors when it's too cold or too hot, but my weather doesn't …