It's that time of the month for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day where we show what we have flowering in our gardens. First, the …
Why I’m Downsizing My Garden: A Personal Journey
I've been planning on downsizing my garden piece-by-piece, bed-by-bed, for years. Why am I downsizing? This land and I have …
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Letting the garden grow
As I've been garden coaching so many of you, one thing we often discuss is letting the garden grow, hopefully making it simpler to …
The bones of the garden
The wind is blowing, and leaves are falling. Autumn is the perfect time to review the bones of the garden. Once the landscape puts …
Zinnia favorites
It's probably no surprise I love zinnias. I talk about them on the Gardenangelists podcast every chance I get, but these are my …
Yellow flower parade
Throughout July and August, my garden is a yellow flower parade. Yellow flowers know pollinators love them, so many start …
Favorite June views and daylily hues
By writing about my favorite June views and daylily hues, I get you to look at my daylilies again. See how sneaky I …
Late spring garden chores
We're almost at the end of May. The roses bloomed in April signifying it's time for late spring garden chores. If you're feeling …
Easy plants for your containers
Last year, I wrote my container garden tutorial, but I neglected to post the information about easy plants for your containers. …
Spring garden preparations
There's a lot of advice online about spring garden preparations. One rule of thought is to do nothing until temperatures are …
Trees of hope
In December, we planted two trees of hope where the horse barn stood before March 2023's wildfire. Since we don't have horses …
What flowers in fall?
If you search perennial gardening in Oklahoma this time of year, you might want to know what flowers in fall. Well, here I …