In Oklahoma today, we're in the midst of snow play. Bear is testing the snow now to see if it's the good sledding kind. I'm …
Wildflower Wednesday in Oklahoma
In honor of the fifth anniversary of Gail Eichelberger's Wildflower Wednesday meme, I want to share some of the wildflowers I grow …
In the cold, dark days of winter….
Good morning friends. It's 18F degrees outside, but in my log cabin, all is cozy and warm. I hope that all of you are doing well …
It is well with my garden
November 5, and it is well with my garden. Gradually, flowers are slowing down, but roses were still blooming in the blustery day …
Tropical plants, a hot summer garden’s best friend
Next to colorful annuals, tropical plants are a hot summer garden's best friend. In Oklahoma and much of the middle South, …
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Annuals are flashy garden accessories
If perennials are the little black dresses of the garden world, then annuals are gardening's flashy accessories. They bring color …
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Garden Holes of Opportunity
From several conversations I've had with gardeners lately, I know you're worried about my roses. I'm worried too, but I am trying …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: October
Good morning or afternoon depending upon when I get this October edition of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day posted. Thank you to Carol …
Planting fall-blooming flowers for pollinators
What should you plant for pollinators to bloom during the late show--that short or long time period between hot, hot days and the …
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Wildflower Wednesday Gaura
On this Wildflower Wednesday, I want to promote the sweet genus gaura. G. coccinea, Scarlet beeblossom, is native to many states. …
August Garden Observations
Remember all that hurrying and scurrying we did from late February to June? Well, the dog days of August are here, and because I …
Come on over to daylily’s dark side
Imagine, for a moment, Darth Vader holding a daylily scape in his hand instead of a light saber. He's exhorting Luke Skywalker to …