While shopping at box stores and garden nurseries, I often see old friends and meet new ones, usually over plants. In fact, it's …
Favorite perennials from Bustani Plant Farm
A couple of weeks ago, I ran up to Stillwater to visit Bustani Plant Farm, which as you know, is my favorite nursery. I had a …
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Problem plants
In my garden, there are four or five real problem plants. I have other interlopers, but the following natives and non-natives are …
Flower bed before and after & plant shopping 101
After returning home from Italy last week, I found the garden in better shape than I expected. Ornamental gardens are forgiving. …
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February garden chores: bit by bit
February has decided it's March, and so the late winter season waltzes on into spring. Many years ago, I read Bird by Bird: Some …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: February indoor plant party
Sorry, I'm late to the Garden Bloggers Bloom Day party. I didn't realize it was already mid-February. How could I miss it with …
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Fall flower garden dance
A week ago, when I started this post, it was cold, bitterly so, after a very long and warm fall. Any tropical I didn't get moved …
Ornamental grasses breathe life
Ornamental grasses breathe life into your garden and knit your landscape together blade-by-blade. Let me count the ways. As …
Hydrangeas for Oklahoma’s finicky climate
Do you like hydrangeas, but despair of growing them in hot and sunny Oklahoma? Here are several hydrangeas for Oklahoma's finicky …
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What looks good now
Good morning Sunshines! I hope all is well in your world today. Mine is a-ok, copacetic, in fact. Today, I want to share what …
Ornamental gardens are forgiving
Ornamental gardens are forgiving, and mine has certainly had a lot to forgive this year. The garden's slump started with …
Gardening isn’t easy
Gardening isn't easy. It isn't hard, but it is work. I think garden communicators should be more honest and open about that. …