Oh, what a show! There were so many fine speakers at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show. I wish I could’ve heard more of them speak, but rushing around is the watchword at the show. Plus, there are the beautiful gardens to ponder and see, and oh, . . . the marketplace. Just check out Barbara Sanderson’s beautiful, hand-blown glass. Her company is Glass Gardens Northwest, and she ships to other states. Consider yourself enabled.

I also loved the display by Swanson’s Nursery. It combined the history of this great nursery with some very modern and cool displays.

My first book, The 20-30 Something Garden Guide: A No-Fuss, Down and Dirty, Gardening 101 for Anyone Who Wants to Grow Stuff, debuted at the show. I signed books sold by the University of Washington bookstore. I gave two talks, one on using Pinterest to change your garden’s color palette and the other helping 20-30 Somethings create a garden in their front or backyard. It was a thrilling four-day weekend, but I am tired.

However, I wanted to give all of you a heads up. Next week, I and twelve of my blogger friends have a surprise. We’re having a cyber book party with plenty of wonderful prizes. You’ll have twelve chances to win! It’s all to give The 20-30 Something Garden Guide a fabulous send-off the day after it comes out on February 15. I’ve heard from several of you that Amazon is already delivering books to your doors so you’re getting it early just like the folks at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show did.
Once again, I want to thank everyone who came to my talks and to Janet Endsley for being so much more than a Seminar Manager. I also want to thank all of you for reading this little blog. I can hardly believe I’ll be writing it for seven years come October 7, 2014.
Here are a few more photos of the gardens I took at the show. I put the title of the particular garden in the caption. If you want to see their description click through on the gardens. Hugs!

I am so.o.o excited for you, Dee. Congratulations! I would love a signed copy — will you be at the Garden Writers’ conference in Pittsburg? The pics in your posting are very warming on this cold, snowy day in the Northeast. P. x
Pam, I will be there! I’m excited to go to Pittsburgh this fall. You bet! Thanks!
It must be so exciting to have a book published – all that work . . . possibly uncertainty – and there, all of a sudden, it is; something solid and page turnable. Congratulations.
Very early in your blogging life you mentioned dogwood. Ever since, whenever I see bright red stems, I think of you.
Lucy, that is so kind. I wish those red twigged dogwoods would grow as well here as they do in the Pacific Northwest. Heck, I wish anything would. Yes, it’s exciting and scary to write a book, but it was always a dream of mine. Thanks!
Your photos are making me excited about seeing the Chicago Flower Show next month–nothing like seeing some gardens in bloom to take the edge off winter. The glass pieces are beautiful–yes, you are an enabler:) So glad you enjoyed yourself, Dee; what a thrill it must have been to have your first book signing–congratulations! I’m not a 20/30 something anymore, but I’m sure I could learn some things from your book. And I do have a 30-something daughter who might finally get interested in a little gardening now that they have bought their first house. Are you going to Portland this summer? If so, I might wait to see if I can get a couple autographed copies.
Hi Rose, I’m going to try to come to Portland. I’m signed up. I’m making my hotel reservations tomorrow. We’ll do it as a family vacation if possible. Yes, visiting gardens on the edge of winter is the best medicine for a winter weary heart.
Amazon notified me that my book has been mailed!!
Sue, I’m so excited for you! I hope you like it.
Oh. My! Sunshine. Green. Blooms. Plants. Color.
The photos are wonderful and sounds like you had a busy but enjoyable time. Can’t wait to get my book!!
Ann, it sure does a heart good to see all that beautiful green. The whole places just smells of spring. I can’t wait for you to get your book either. I hope you like it!
Congrats on your first book and book signing! Icy weather kept me in Portland, but oh how I wanted to sit in on your workshops. Thanks for sharing inspiring pictures of the show.
Laura, I heard about your horrid weather. I wish you could’ve come and visited, but it’s so much better to be safe.
What fun and congrats on the debut of your first book!
Thank you so much Carol. It’s pretty doggone exciting I must say.
I am so happy that all went well for you. I enjoy seeing you at work even if the picture is a bit blurry. The gardens spots you have shown are inspiring. Yes, I agree that you are an enabler. Love that glass.
Lisa, it was really blurry. Sorry about that. It kinda made my eyes hurt. I love enabling people to buy blown glass. It’s my favorite of course.
Such amazing sights. The colors. Looks like you had fun at the book signing too.
Oh yes, I really did have fun. It was a joy to be sure. Thanks for visiting. You’re so good to come and comment.