In early spring before the full extent of plant destruction showed its ugly face, I placed an order of perennials to High Country Gardens, and it came two weeks ago. Would you like to know what I bought? Sure you would!

Most of these are for the border extension in full sun. I want it to be a pollinator (bee) buffet.
- Agastache Blue Fortune hyssop tends to overwinter better in my garden than other agastache. I do like ‘Bolero’ too, but it’s planted in another part of the garden.

- Monarda fistulosa, wild bergamot (Wichita Mountains form) found in the Wichita Mountains of southwestern OK. I planted it in the cut garden for now. I may move it to the upper pasture in the fall.
- Achillea filipendulina Coronation Gold yarrow
- Ajuga reptans ‘Black Scallop’ bugleweed; You can now find ‘Black Scallop’ at Davison’s Nursery if you want some. I like the dark leaves that are wider and darker than ‘Chocolate Chip’ although it’s fine too.

- Nepeta x Psfike Little Trudy® catmint is very short so I planted it in front next to the bugleweed. ‘Little Trudy’ is tiny. You can see how small because of the plant tag and the viola planted behind it.

- Salvia nemorosa ‘Rose Marvel’ I fell in love with this plant two summers ago when I tested it. Sometimes, it blooms itself to death in its third season, but the pollinators love it. I recently saw it at Under the Sun on Bryant in Edmond. Look over in their quart-sized perennials. I also saw its cousin ‘Blue Marvel’ at TLC Nursery on Memorial Road.

- Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’ cranesbill used to be the darling of the perennial world before ‘Rozanne’ stole the spotlight. I grew it for years after finding some plants in a Walmart parking lot. It eventually died out in my garden, but I love it enough to grow it again. I never could grow ‘Rozanne.’ This isn’t that great a photo of it, but it’s from my blog a long time ago.

- Coreopsis Li’l Bang™ Starstruck tickseed just because.
- I placed a separate order for more ‘Royal Velvet’ lavender. I pulled out my tagetes this spring, and I’m replacing them with lavender.

Well, that’s my High Country Gardens order. Yesterday, I placed an order with Annie’s Annuals and Bluestone Perennials. I’ll let you know about them when they come in. Have a great week everyone and check out our latest episode on the Gardenangelists. It’s all about container gardening.

Oh such pretty selections. I have been looking for Royal Velvet lavender so will check out High Country Gardens. Can’t believe how cool our weather has been but I’m grateful!
Hi Sonia! Nice to hear from you. If I want a particular variety of lavender, I find that High Country Gardens often has it. It’s raining right now and quite chilly. Weird for May, but I’ll take it over the extreme heat of 2011. ~~Dee
I’m looking at your site for inspiration as I build my Oklahoma garden. I began gardening when I lived in Boston and continued when I moved to Seattle, and my OKC garden represents a new challenge. Your garden is gorgeous!
Hi Shay, I’ll just write it up front, it is hard to garden in Oklahoma. I’m sure Boston has its challenges too, but Oklahoma is a prairie climate with a lot of extremes. If you need more help, check out my garden coaching page,
Will do–thanks so much for the resource!
What a glorious garden you have and that Little Trudy! Oh! I love Nepeta and a low growing one would be perfect for my garden. Next year it will have to be unless someone decides to sell it here.
Thank you Jenny! I do my best. I just read over two posts where everything I planted died in the intervening years. That is humbling. Thank you so much for commenting, and Little Trudy is rather darling. ~~Dee
I brought my hive up to Brown County Indiana from beautiful pollinator friendly gardens in KY. to wild lands of Brown County Indiana. I think they are really stinging right now for this….Love the list Thank you
Hi Becky, Bees can be very angry sometimes. Reminds me I need to check mine. Maybe tomorrow. Ha!~~Dee
The bees will “beeeee” very happy! Just gorgeous! ????
Hi Karen, we can sure hope so! Thanks.~~Dee
Looks like you’re in for some beautiful summer blooms. I wonder if I can find Salvia nemorosa ‘Rose Marvel’ in my local nurseries or box stores. I’ll be looking!
HI Sharrie, you probably can. It’s becoming very popular. Ask for it. ~~Dee
Okay. Great. Thanks. Now I need more plants. (And yes, Agastache ‘Blue Fortune’ is quite good in my garden too. And Saliva ‘Rose Marvel’ is blooming now and is so pretty. And I’ve had good luck with Geranium ‘Rozanne’. It has returned for it’s third year and looks great!)
Hey Carol, I can’t grow Rozanne to save my life.