I’m Dee Nash, a native Oklahoman, and I’ve gardened here since my teens. I know from personal experience how challenging our prairie climate can be.
But my blog isn’t just for Oklahomans. Gardening can be challenging in other climates too. So, I share how to garden wherever you grow.
Enjoy the garden you’ve always wanted!
Featured posts
A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Hello friends! For you this month, I have…
Continue Reading A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Letting the garden grow
As I’ve been garden coaching so many of…
The bones of the garden
The wind is blowing, and leaves are falling.…
Zinnia favorites
It’s probably no surprise I love zinnias. I…
Bumble on Baptisia and other false indigos
Caught this bumblebee taking in the sights and nectar of Baptisia sphaerocarpa in my garden. Nature never ceases to amaze me, but instead, wows me again and again. I grow several baptisias after seeing them grown so well in Chicago when I went there for the Garden Bloggers' Fling in 2009. In my garden, it's taken three years for the false indigos to take off. I believe this is the fourth spring for this false indigo. Since then, I've added a blue one from Song Sparrow Farm and Nursery, B. Midnite Prairieblues™. It is a lovely shade of dark blue, but is taking a very long time to thrive here. I don't know why. After seeing a huge clump of 'Purple Smoke' in a friend's garden, I planted a four inch pot two years ago. It is very pretty and beginning to bloom in earnest this spring. It's really much more purple than...
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It’s beautiful ’round here
Oh, how I wish you could visit this spring. We could stroll through my garden with clippers in hand, and I would cut you a bouquet. You would smell roses, peonies and iris, along with the heady, clove scent of the dianthus because I grow several kinds. Never have the roses been lovelier. Even a little blackspot can't mar the view. Because the spring temperatures have been so cooperative without too much heat, I've sprayed a bit of EcoSmart Organic fungicide I bought somewhere. It has rosemary oil as the fungicide with insecticidal soap as the sticking agent, and I'm not sure it will be effective, but I'm willing to give it a try. I could also spray some Neem oil which might help as a bit of fungicide and a natural miticide for those nasty beasties. I rarely spray because horticultural oils are generally a problem in our hot...
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Fun Fiskars PowerGear® tool giveaway
Of the Fiskars family of garden helpers, the PowerGear® tools are my favorites. When Fiskars gave me the opportunity to give away anything I wanted from the PowerGear® line, I chose the following: Item: 377363-1002, UltraBlade® PowerGear® Bypass Pruner; I don't have these, but I'd enjoy them. Hint, hint Fiskars! Item 7937, PowerGear® Bypass Pruner; I use a pair of these everyday; Item 9619, PowerGear® 17 Inch Bypass Loppers; okay, this is my best tool for getting into those tricky rose pruning jobs. They are just the right size, and I don't get scratched as often. For bigger jobs, I like Item 9632, the 27-inch,PowerGear® Bypass loppers; and Finally, Item 9619,PowerGear® Hedge Shears, which are new to me this year, but I use them for trimming decorative grasses and cutting back perennial herbs among other things. At retail, this prize package is worth approximately $178.00. To win these cool tools,...
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A cottage in the woods with roses for me?
Once, I saved dish towels and aprons in a hope chest and fantasized about my future home. Nothing fancy. Instead, it was always a cottage adorned by fragrant, climbing roses. Not very original I know . . . . How many girls who read Regency romances don't dream of a rose-covered cottage and picket fence with two cats in the yard. Books have been written, and songs composed about such. So many that some girlish fantasies come with a heady aroma tinged in rosey hue. Mine did anyway. In Oklahoma, the land of prairie and sun, this dream of mine was not very practical, and my personal exterior displays a very practical girl usually clad in blue jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes. If you met me, you would wonder where the dreamy artist is, but my inner life is full of fanciful notions. On an ill-fated vacation in Missouri when...
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