I’m Dee Nash, a native Oklahoman, and I’ve gardened here since my teens. I know from personal experience how challenging our prairie climate can be.
But my blog isn’t just for Oklahomans. Gardening can be challenging in other climates too. So, I share how to garden wherever you grow.
Enjoy the garden you’ve always wanted!
Featured posts
A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Hello friends! For you this month, I have…
Continue Reading A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Letting the garden grow
As I’ve been garden coaching so many of…
The bones of the garden
The wind is blowing, and leaves are falling.…
Zinnia favorites
It’s probably no surprise I love zinnias. I…
Gifts for Gardeners, or alternatively, a few of my favorite tools and other things
I know. I know. It's the same thing every year on every website, but truly, I want to make sure my gardener friends get something they've always wanted under their Christmas tree. Gardeners deserve good tools. With good tools, I can work faster and more efficiently. At the top of my list is CobraHead's Brook and Hunter digging fork. Last fall, I dug Bermuda grass out of a new bed with only this wonderful tool. It took one afternoon, and I removed every piece of grass. If I'd used a gas motor cultivator, broken, rooting pieces of Bermuda would abound. Further, tied up with a bow, this fork would look mighty sexy, and if you bought it for your favorite gardener, who knows what you might receive in return. Other tools I love are those from Bulldog Tools in England. Earlier in the year, they sent me some of their...
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Eating gluten free in France
About this time of year when the kids have gone back to school, and the days are growing shorter, I get a hankerin' to visit Europe, specifically Italy (I'm Catholic after all), France and England. I have nothing against other European countries. These are just first on the list, and not specifically in that order. Today, I got far enough to do a bit of searching on the Internet about eating. For me, food and travel, are even more intertwined than the average traveler. I must eat gluten and dairy free so I often take food with me as I go. I now find the United States pretty easy to navigate food-wise because people are more aware of food intolerances and allergies than they were only a few years ago. Some places like Portland, Seattle and NYC are even easier, and in general, larger cities are easier than smaller ones....
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A touch of white
Taken in the fall, this photo shows that a touch of white in this heath aster next to the Blushing Knockout rose makes them appear bridal worthy. In high summer, Blushing Knockout is as white as the aster, but then only the aster's blue foliage shows, and it is still a nice contrast. Heath aster reminds me of baby's breath so maybe that's why I think of weddings. A touch of white from these daisies in Texas (I don't remember their name, someone help please) and the white rain lilies soften hard granite steps. The daisies are nearly pillow-esque. A touch of white in this Grandpa Otts morning glory acts as a runway light for the humble bee to pollinate. If you want seeds, contact me, but beware, it spreads everywhere. A touch of white in the autumn clematis clinging to my old fence looks so innocent, but don't be...
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Sometimes, things just go awry
If you are squeamish about animals and their wicked ways, don't read any further. When you own chickens out in the country, you are continually trying to protect them from predators. You build a safe and snug chicken house with a cover over their run to prevent loss from eagles and hawks. Your bury chicken wire and other things beneath to stop burrowing animals. What I'd forgotten was how two determined dogs can turn a morning into a nightmare. I've been watching my mother's dog for the last couple of months. He is a terror, and my dislike for him borders on being murderous. He digs up the gardens which aren't fenced. He drags things out of the garage into the yard and causes a mess. Worst for him, he reminds me of my former stepfather whom I loathe. For a tiny bit of background, Tom divorced my mother when...
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