I’m Dee Nash, a native Oklahoman, and I’ve gardened here since my teens. I know from personal experience how challenging our prairie climate can be.
But my blog isn’t just for Oklahomans. Gardening can be challenging in other climates too. So, I share how to garden wherever you grow.
Enjoy the garden you’ve always wanted!
Featured posts
A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Hello friends! For you this month, I have…
Continue Reading A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Letting the garden grow
As I’ve been garden coaching so many of…
The bones of the garden
The wind is blowing, and leaves are falling.…
Zinnia favorites
It’s probably no surprise I love zinnias. I…
Three for Thursday, purple and green
After I walked about taking photos, I kept thinking of that song, Silver and Gold, and I repeated purple and green as I searched. Why are these two colors so striking and yet soothing in the garden I wonder? One, the four varieties of coleus planted next to the Virgin Mary in the side garden. All have performed beautifully even during our 100F plus temperatures. Being sun coleus, they can take a lot of heat as long as they have plenty of water. ' Two, the dark purple millet I bought at TLC for $5.00 a container on sale. I also have seeds for next year and will definitely plant them throughout the garden if the millet doesn't replicate itself. Three, Japanese dianthus with its fleshy leaves beat the heat by a mile and looks cool doing it. Everyone who can should grow this plant. It's cold hardy through USDA...
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Dear Friends and Gardeners, August 17, 2010
Dear Carol, Mary Ann and all of our gardening friends everywhere, Sorry to be late to the party. I'm in the midst of kids going back to school and high school football practices. If last week's post theme was "Do Not Despair," this week's is "Do Not Panic." Instead, rejoice that most of the state finally got rain from a cold front which moderated temperatures. Hallelujah, and thank God. The don't panic part comes in when you go outside and see what the garden has become. Yesterday, I did and thought, Ack! Crabgrass, bindweed and wild morning glories invaded. They and Bermuda grass love the heat, and while I was inside reading, they snuck into every patch of good soil. I can see you breathing hard. Grab a paper bag, breathe into it and don't panic. Just grab your hand weeder and pruners and jump right in while applying the...
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Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, August 2010
Hi Everyone, I saw a clever church marquee on my way home the other day. It read, "No it's not as hot as . . . " Well, since I've never been to hell, I can't say, but it sure feels like we have arrived. Three solid weeks of over 100F degrees every freakin' day makes this red dirt girl a snarly stick in the mud (if any mud could be found). However, I'm reminded it's not as bad as the summer of 1936 in which the hottest day ever recorded in Oklahoma was July 19th with a high of 109F. With no air conditioning, several folks died from heat related injuries, but not as many as I expected. So, although it's hot, I'm thankful for "refrigerated air," something which schools didn't have even when I was a child, and one of the reasons why we went back to school...
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Attracting butteflies to the garden
This summer, although of late hotter than the Sahara, has still been a good one for butterflies. I've been planting for these winged acrobats for most of my garden life, but I think this might be the best year ever. I attribute that to several things. Butterflies don't just appear with the tap of a magic wand. They require a few simple accommodations. They like a big, packed garden full of diversity. They also like their home to be a messy one. Nectar plants are important, but like most creatures, they want good schools for their children. No, wait, I'm kidding. No schools, but they do require good food and shelter for their offspring. So, larval plants are as important as nectar sources. This year, trying to attract the swallowtail group, I worked very hard to have plenty of herbs like parsley, dill and fennel. I bought plants of each...
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