I’m Dee Nash, a native Oklahoman, and I’ve gardened here since my teens. I know from personal experience how challenging our prairie climate can be.
But my blog isn’t just for Oklahomans. Gardening can be challenging in other climates too. So, I share how to garden wherever you grow.
Enjoy the garden you’ve always wanted!
Featured posts
A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Hello friends! For you this month, I have…
Continue Reading A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Letting the garden grow
As I’ve been garden coaching so many of…
The bones of the garden
The wind is blowing, and leaves are falling.…
Zinnia favorites
It’s probably no surprise I love zinnias. I…
Ten Daylilies For Ten Dollars
Ten daylilies for ten dollars or less. Each. You didn't think this was one of those crazy ads at the back of a gardening magazine did you? "Grow luscious peaches on your garden deck for only pennies a day!!! But, wait, wait, there's more!" No, it's not that kind of post, but because I felt responsible for leading you into temptation, I'll show you some beauties you can grow and enjoy without endangering your retirement. All prices shown are for double fans as listed in the Eureka Daylily 2008 Reference Guide, the price bible for daylilydom. What is a fan? When you dig a daylily clump and begin to separate it into sections, each section resembles a lady's fan. Daylilies are generally sold as double fans unless you are purchasing a very new cultivar. In no particular order, let's begin. Each is listed by cultivar name, hybridizer and year of...
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Welcome To The Seedy Grass Motel
While her "Red Dirtness" was gone on vacation, we set up a little hacienda in the unmulched areas of her garden. On the left, check out her Lewis & Clark meadow that she planted last fall. She didn't mulch it because she was trying to give the prairie seeds a chance. When she wasn't looking we moved in. Now, we're poised for a complete takover. As to the other areas, we think she ran out of chopped leaves, shredded pine bark and pecan hulls just in time. Don't you? It's getting pretty crowded in here, but we always have room for another Nutsedge, Bermuda grass or other seedlings of the grassy persuasion. We'll also share space with our friend, Bindweed, who we can count on to strangle others while she covers lots of ground. However, if you're one of those fancy-pants, grasses like 'Overdam' here on the right, clear out....
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A Big Thank You
Some of you may have noticed my blog was down last night and today. If you stopped by, you saw three error messages instead of my red dirt road. It was my fault. I was trying something new in my sidebar, and I accidentally inserted code where it shouldn't go. This is a photo of 'Midnight Madness' which is how I felt last night; pretty, but crazy. After I threw a hissy fit, I decided to email my friend who knows a lot more about how blogs work than I ever will. Kathy from Blogging Art and Practice, also known as the Cold Climate Gardener, worked hard today and helped me back online. She also enlisted Linda's assistance from Times to Come. (Thank you too, Linda.) Kathy is my blog coach, which is cool because not only does she help me fix my blog issues, but she also teaches me...
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How About A Sunday Stroll?
Echinacea 'Pink Double Delight' Good morning. Grab your coffee or tea and and please join me for a stroll through my little corner of paradise. I've always pictured heaven as a garden, and I hope that the good Lord will let me work in His; but then, I wonder . . . what would I do if every leaf and flower were perfect? What if there were no weeds? What if the roses were always in bloom and never needed deadheading? How could I relax in such a place? These are the kind of things I ponder about as I stroll. Then, I shrug my shoulders, sip my tea and leave it up to God. It's out of my hands anyway. Today is a very busy day, so we should meander in our imaginations for awhile before it begins. Not only is it Father's Day, it's also Sunday Stroll, Garden...
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