I’m Dee Nash, a native Oklahoman, and I’ve gardened here since my teens. I know from personal experience how challenging our prairie climate can be.
But my blog isn’t just for Oklahomans. Gardening can be challenging in other climates too. So, I share how to garden wherever you grow.
Enjoy the garden you’ve always wanted!
Featured posts
A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Hello friends! For you this month, I have…
Continue Reading A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Letting the garden grow
As I’ve been garden coaching so many of…
The bones of the garden
The wind is blowing, and leaves are falling.…
Zinnia favorites
It’s probably no surprise I love zinnias. I…
Easter Monday
Whew! I survived Easter Sunday again. I had all these posts lined up in my head for Holy Week, but I was too busy preparing for the big day. I'll do them next year. Easter at our house is a grand event and not just because the Lord has risen. All of HH's family (anywhere from twenty-eight to forty-three people) and my little one (two or three) descend upon our house bearing food and candy-filled plastic eggs; except Grandpa, who places money in his. The tradition began years ago when our child, Ashley, now thirty-one, was our only one. We start the day with church. Then, we run home, usually stopping at the store for last minute items on the way; we set up the remaining tables; put out what's left of the Easter decorations; and make last minute food. We pause, take a deep breath and the doorbell rings....
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In Spring’s Honor, A Gluten Free Soup
Daffodil sky Welcome, Spring! I created this soup for you because, yesterday, it was rainy and a little chilly here. I needed something bright and cheery to keep me warm. After going gluten and dairy free, I developed an intense friendship with Asian foods. When I crave something, it is usually a little spicy with a hint of curry. I don't mean traditional Chinese cuisine, which relies heavily on regular soy sauce (which we can't have,) but instead Thai and Vietnamese foods. After a long day, these rice based cuisines soothe my weary gf soul. Without further ado, I bring you: Asian inspired gluten free soup Asian Inspired Spring Soup One whole Chicken, cooked in salted and peppered water, and de-boned. I really like Smart Chicken. Chop up the meat into bite sized pieces. Into the remaining broth add: Two cups of gf noodles.I used Tinkyada penne. Cook the noodles...
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Mouse & Trowel
It's time again for you to nominate your favorite gardening blogs for the Mousies. The Mouse & Trowel Awards were created by freelance writer and garden blogger Colleen Vanderlinden of In the Garden Online. According to her website, "the Mousies were created so that garden bloggers and webmasters could be recognized by the most important people: their readers and their blogging peers." Blogs, websites, and podcasters are honored each May. If you love garden blogs or have a favorite garden website, and who doesn't, go to nominate your favorites here. It's easy. It's fun. I already made my selections, and I can't wait to see the sites others choose. Go on . . . surprise me.
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Belated Green Thumb Sunday: More Roses?
That's what HH asked me when I walked in the door, a pot clutched under each arm. No, really, he didn't, but the raised eyebrows gave him away. At the weekend's start, I had my photos ready. All the words were rattling around in my head just waiting for a post, but after a thunderstorm on Friday, my internet was out for three whole days. It gave me more time to garden. When I pruned the roses in the southeast border, I noticed two had succumbed, both Cl. 'Golden Showers.' To what? When I dug them, I saw that there was more clay in that bed than I remembered. Too much clay mixed with too much water (38 inches in June 2007) kills a rose faster than a Ferrari can gobble up race track. I also removed the two, long suffering 'Joseph's Coat' climbers. You know a rose is pitiful...
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