I’m Dee Nash, a native Oklahoman, and I’ve gardened here since my teens. I know from personal experience how challenging our prairie climate can be.
But my blog isn’t just for Oklahomans. Gardening can be challenging in other climates too. So, I share how to garden wherever you grow.
Enjoy the garden you’ve always wanted!
Featured posts
A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Hello friends! For you this month, I have…
Continue Reading A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Letting the garden grow
As I’ve been garden coaching so many of…
The bones of the garden
The wind is blowing, and leaves are falling.…
Zinnia favorites
It’s probably no surprise I love zinnias. I…
Sample Post With a Table
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. Developer Location Job Title Brian Gardner Illinois Project Lead Nathan Rice South Carolina Lead Developer Ron Rennick Canada Lead Developer Rafal Tomal Illinois Lead Designer Lauren Mancke South Carolina Lead Designer This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so...
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Sample Post With Headlines
Headline 1 Headline 2 Headline 3 Headline 4 Headline 5 Headline 6
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Road trippin’ in Ft. Worth
I love Ft. Worth. We first went there via the Heartland Flyer in 2007. Bear was quite young, and she rode a bull in cow town. By the way, she consented to my posting the photo below. We returned last year with her graduating class to take in the sites again. However, there is so much more to Ft. Worth than the stockyards--although they and the rodeo are great fun. Bear rode a bull in the stockyards at Ft. Worth in 2007 Yesterday, I was fortunate to speak to sixty or so of Ft. Worth's gardening citizens. Speaking at the Ft. Worth Garden Club was truly a delight. I hope, one day, they ask me to return. Special thanks goes out to their Program Chairperson, Nancy Hallman. She went out of her way to feed me--no easy task when I must have gluten and dairy free food. Staying with her...
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Garden Bloggers Bloom Day September, 2013
Containers on the deck filled with flowers and foliage. Hey gang! It's that time again. Time to share with Carol at May Dreams Gardens and the world our blooms for the month. So, please step through the garden gate with me, and let's take a look. The back garden looking east. We've just walked through the gate. Oklahoma had a splendid summer, so mild and full of rain I could hardly keep up with the weeds; honestly, I've lost the battle here and there. Then, starting in late August, the heavenly spigot shut off, and the weather turned sunny and super hot ever since. We even saw a few "triple digit temperatures" as our weather people say with tightened smiles. I'm sometimes afraid the heat will make them go all Network on local TV. Tecoma (esperanza) Bells of Fire. Some plants responded to the heat with tremendous growth. Others, like...
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