Pink muhly grass is the big star this week in my Little Cedar Garden.
My five plants have finally grown into their adult form. It’s been a long time coming–five or six years to get this kind of stand in the front bed. It now stops traffic on our rural road. We don’t get that much traffic out here, but what does whiz by usually comes to an abrupt halt. I guess you can see why.

In my opinion, muhly grass has very specific conditions that must be met in order to grow well. In this one bed in the garden, I have those conditions.
- Full, hot, summer sun.
- Not much competition from other plants when the muhly grass is young.
- Very little water–I use drip irrigation in this bed. Muhly grasses need water, but not too much.
- Lean, well-drained soil.

I’ve been most successful with two selections of the native Muhlenbergia capillaris ‘Regal Mist‘ and ‘Fast Forward.’ ‘Fast Forward’ is supposed to bloom earlier, but I think ‘Regal Mist’ has bigger plumes. For those of you in colder climates, you might try M. reverchonii, ruby muhly grass, ‘Undaunted.’ It is supposed to be hardy to USDA Zones 5 and 6. The plumes are a bit different, but just as pretty in images I saw.

If you can meet its requirements, muhly grass is wonderful stuff. My dear friend, Fairegarden, turned me onto it years ago. I also grow a white variety called ‘White Cloud,‘ which is new this year, but I already love it too.
Note that it doesn’t look like much in other seasons which I think is okay. In July, it just looked like thin-bladed grass.

After I shared my pink muhly on Instagram yesterday, I was flooded with questions of where I bought my plants. I bought ‘Fast Forward’ from Bustani Plant Farm a couple of years ago and ‘Regal Mist’ six years ago from TLC Garden Nursery. I don’t know if they still have it or not, but I’ve given you links to High Country Gardens too. They should have plants again in spring.
Hi, Dee. I’m Laura Short, from LAURASFLOWERPAGE on IG. Believe it or not, I’ve bought this cultivar at Lowe’s. ON SALE!! The after peak season sales there are a goldmine! Your pink sprays are captivating! !
Ooh, you lucky girl!!!! They never sell pink muhly here in Edmond. I wish they did. I would put it everywhere I think.
I have some I got two years ago from the Oklahoma State Horticulture spring Plant Sale. Tiny things but they have shot up in full sun and some neglect. The club changes their stock each year. Email and ask if they’ll sell them. ?
Hi Sharrie, you mean if I want more?
I have never seen this for sale around here. I would love to try it. I have always admired this grass. I used to look forward to seeing the pink froth in Frances’ garden each fall. Now I will watch for yours.
Lisa, I think the only one that would be hardy in your garden would be ‘Undaunted.’ It’s a little different from mine, but still beautiful. You do need full sun though.
I would say thank you, but it’s not really up to me. I just give it what it likes, and it does its thing. It is a really pretty thing though.
I like to stop traffic with my garden, too. But it won’t be with pink muhly. Besides being too cold for it, I have the opposite of all the conditions it likes.
Kathy, I think you stop traffic with those daffodils you planted on that hill. That should do it!
Yes, that does it in spring. Think I’m gonna interplant colchicums for fall. I show off through my garden.
I can see where this plant would stop traffic. It stops me visually every time I see it online. I’m glad you have good luck with it, because it’s wonderful!
It is amazing stuff when it blooms. 😉