Whew! I’ve been working steadily to get The 20-30 Something Garden Guide done, and writing, proofing, editing doesn’t leave much time for anything else, especially blogging. I miss you guys. I did write a post on the 20/30 Something blog if you want to go visit.

Still, I had one day this week where I stepped back from the computer and went to my local nursery. I needed to recharge my creative batteries. Working with my hands recharges my mind and soul in a way like nothing else. There were several things I wanted to do in the greenhouse including potting up. The other day I was with a friend, Robin Haglund from Garden Mentors, and she did some potting up when we were practicing media training. I hadn’t heard the term “potting up” in awhile, but it just sounds so English-y doesn’t it?

It was time to putter and pot up at RDR. I wanted some ferns for the greenhouse, and I also have some paperwhite bulbs that were languishing in a watery mess. Although I’ve forced paperwhites on pebbles before, these weren’t excited about the process. Because they are paperwhites and don’t require a lot of chilling, I still have time to make something of them by Easter. At least I hope so. I’m putting these in a cute terracotta nursery pot with some sedum. Moss would be nice too. Very nice indeed, but since I forget to water things–yes, I do–I think sedum is the better choice.

Then, I moved on to the ferns.

I’m trying the one above, Selaginella krausianna variegatus a.k.a. frosty fern. I’ve never grown it before. It likes shade, but the sunlight is very filtered in the winter anyway. Next to it are narcissus. I can’t remember which ones because I forgot to put the tag in with them. Oh well, I’ll know when they bloom.

The entire group, above, looks very Christmasy I think.

Then, I potted up this mixed pot of ferns and sweet potato vine. I love that pinky/purple sweet potato vine. Won’t it be pretty trailing down the side? I don’t really like growing tropicals inside–see the part about not remembering to water above–but they seem perfectly at home in the greenhouse. Potting up can be quite fun and staves off the winter blues. Why don’t you try it too and show me what you’re growing indoors this year.

By the way, Bill says the greenhouse is a fresh breath of summer, and he’s wondering when we’re going to expand. I love that man.
Now aren’t you having some winter time garden fun there in your greenhouse! Enjoy…
I love to potter about, to pot up plants. Thanks for taking us along as you worked in your greenhouse. Take that man up on his offer to expand that greenhouse!
I love a peek into greenhouses of others. I put Sedum acre scooped up off the ground around some of my Hyacinth bulbs and Graptopetalum with others.
It’s hard to decide what gets to grow in the greenhouse and what doesn’t. Jungle cacti are my current GH craze.
Nell Jean, you know what I want to do next? I want to grow pelargoniums, some of the rarer ones. I know that’s crazy, but I think it would be fun. Our summers have been too hot for them the last few years. They would love the greenhouse.~~Dee
I think that’s a wonderful idea. Every spring I mean to buy pelargoniums, and never do. I would be happy with an old ‘Appleblossom’ and some ‘trailing Geraniums’ like my grandmother grew.
You asked about my GH size: 10×12″ — just big enough to have fun and wish there was more room.
Amazing how getting our hands into the soil will recharge us…that is why I have grow lights in the basement.
Donna, you’re absolutely right. I love my grow lights on the seed starting station. They keep me busy until real gardening season begins.~~Dee
Have you been out in your greenhouse during a snow? I have always envisioned sitting in a greenhouse watching the snow come down. It looks like you are having too much fun. Shouldn’t you be out shopping and running around like crazy? tee hee… Merry Christmas…
Hi Lisa, I haven’t yet. I will for the next snow though. I have been out there when the ice storm was melting. It was weird and loud. I am having a wonderful time. I did my little shopping early. Thank goodness.
Your greenhouse is amazing, it would definitely be fun to double it in size. During the winter I repot in the garage, not exactly ideal.
Hi Charlie, yes that would be extra fun. Must wait until the kids are out of college though. LOL! I also repotted in the garage before, and sometimes I still do. I have an old cabinet in there that is my space.
Isn’t puttering the best? Spent all afternoon Wed just tidying up glasshouse. Heaven!
Years ago I read a book by Alexandra Stoddard. “Living A Beautiful Life” I think. She had a whole little section about puttering and how relaxing it was.
Oh my Annie! I remember that book. It was so good. What a great memory. I was knee-deep in kids at the time.~~Dee
I would be interested in hearing more about the Frosty Fern and how is does when you put it outside. I have one of those put together greenhouses for my outdoor plants. . not much room to do much but at least the plants aren’t in the garage anymore. If all goes well and we outgrow it, I may be touching base with you about your greenhouse. Can’t wait to start some veggies early.
Stay warm up there!
Ann, it will be interesting. I know it will need shade in my climate and probably misting. It may not make it through summer here.~~Dee
Looks like fun! I would have to spend a lot of money to keep a greenhouse warm in winter, so it’s fun to watch you play in yours.
Well, last month was pricey, but we’re going to try to readjust the heaters to be all propane with an electrical backup. Cheaper.