Rebecca Sweet, co-author of the bestselling, Garden Up! Smart Vertical Gardening for Small and Large Spaces that I reviewed a couple of years ago, wrote another wonderful book this year. So, seven of us decided to throw Rebecca a blog party celebrating her latest horticultural achievement, Refresh Your Garden Design with Color, Texture and Form
. Rebecca is a blogger, writer and garden designer living in California, and I was lucky enough to visit her garden when the Garden Bloggers Fling went there last summer. She’s been featured in many magazines and writes a regular column for Horticulture. She also writes the very popular blog, Gossip in the Garden. You can read more about her work on her company webpage, Harmony in the Garden.

My post is an invitation to check out Rebecca’s new book and see how she can help you transform your garden. She has great ideas because she designs gardens every day.
Plus, my lovelies, I get to give something away!
Guess what it is. No, go ahead . . . guess.

Bulbs!!! Yes, I get to give away a lasagna container garden just full of beautiful bulbs from Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply at their online presence, I love giveaways because they make y’all happy. If you’re happy, I’m happy. This time, I also get to choose the bulbs so here are my faves. The bulbs are a $50 value.
- Three packages of giant crocus Silver Coral
- Two packages of Plum Pudding Perfect Partners tulips
- Two packages of ‘Barrett Browning’ daffodils
This combination will be blue, purple and white beauty to grace your garden next spring.

To grow these lovelies, you will need a relatively large and deep container. I went old school on mine and used terracotta. I love the traditional look of terracotta, but I can’t grow anything but succulents in it in summer. We are far too hot and dry here. However, in spring and fall, I bring out my terracotta pots and make use of them.
- In these, I placed 2.5 inches of soil in the bottom of the pot and planted daffodil bulbs first. Start with your largest bulbs on bottom and work your way up.
- I then put another 2.5 inches or so of soil, enough to cover the bulbs and then add some cushion. On top of the daffs, I put tulip bulbs. You may have room in your pot for two levels of tulips. If so, use two different types like those in the Plum Pudding mix.
Plant tulips and other bulbs pointy side up. - Plant bulbs pointy side up. With tulips, put the flat side of the tulip toward the outer edge. The leaves grow from the flat side, and it will look better. “Presentation is everything,” as my husband, Bill, says. He really does say that.
- The pot becomes larger around as you go higher so you’ll need more bulbs. Make sure bulbs are not touching each other. They need some wiggle room.
The little heads of tulips sticking up right before I cover them with soil. - After your row or two of tulips, add more soil almost to the top of the pot and then place the crocus bulbs as shown. Crocuses are the smallest bulbs and earliest to bloom so you want them on top.
Placing crocus in the pot. I start around the outside edge and then fill in until the middle. I find it’s easier this way. - As the crocus finish blooming and their foliage begins dying, tulip foliage and blooms will take over, then finally daffodil leaves and flowers.
- Store your lasagna pot in an unheated garage or outside depending upon the type of pot you use and how cold your winter weather gets in your region. I’m in Zone 7a/6b, and pots are considered two zones colder than in-ground plants. I may keep mine in the garage, but I may play fast and loose keeping them on the brick pavers in between the greenhouse and potager. That is a very warm spot in the garden. I haven’t decided yet.
- If you decide to keep these outdoors, protect them from squirrels and other varmints. Place something on top of the pots until your bulbs begin growing in the spring. Water pots about once a month, if kept in the garage, or outdoors if you don’t get rain.
Muscari or grape hyacinths I grew as the top layer to another pot. I left enough room to add some pansies on top.
Aren’t you excited about Rebecca’s book and growing bulbs? Here’s how you enter:
- Leave a comment on this post. You’re entered once.
- If you have a Facebook account, post a link to this post on your timeline or page. That enters you a second time.
- Twitter? Post a link to this post on Twitter, and you’ll be entered a third time.
- Share this on any social media you’d like.
- So that I know where you’ve posted, please also return here and give me another comment with a link to your tweet or other share.
- Because the winner will be chosen by a random number generator, the more times you share this post, the more likely you are to win.
Plus, you’re helping me spread the good word about Rebecca’s book and Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply.The contest ends at 11:59 p.m. on November 10. I’ll announce the winner on Monday, November 11, 2013.
Oh, one more thing, go visit the other bloggers listed below. Each blogger is giving something different away so you can enter each contest. Seven more ways to win!
Digging is offering a $50 gift certificate from Annie’s Annuals
Urban Gardens is offering garden-watering duo Dramm
May Dreams Gardens is offering a garden tool combo from Fiskars
Shawna Coronado is giving away a $75 gift card from Proven Winners
Blue Planet Garden Blog is giving away a garden consultation by Rebecca and a Horticulture combo pack
Gossip in the Garden is giving away three different garden apps for your smartphone.
Oh, and a little housekeeping . . . I received nothing but goodwill for this post. I didn’t get any supplies from Peaceful Valley, and I didn’t ask for a book from Rebecca. Instead, I ordered her book from my local bookstore. It’s hard to be a writer these days. We must help each other.
Good luck!
UPDATE: According to, Brenda is our winner! I’ve already contacted Brenda for her snail mail address, and hopefully, she’ll write back soon. Thanks to everyone who entered, tweeted, shared on Facebook, etc. You helped Rebecca’s book get noticed. Hugs and love.~~Dee
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wonderful, it’s always a surprise when the bulbs start popping up in the spring
What a fabulous offer Dee. Sounds like a marvelous book, and great spring display.
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Nice giveaway, Dee! Thanks for the chance The book sure looks like it’s full of interesting ideas, and we love to do container bulb plantings. It’s nice to get them going , then move them around as needed as the sun angle changes in the Spring. Good luck everyone! ~Tom
Thanks for the great idea on the terracotta pot and bulbs, will be putting your idea into action tomorrow
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I shared your giveaway post on my fb page!
We did a garden for the 1st time this year and did a lasagna style veggie box(es). It’d be fun to try flowers this way!
I’d love to try daffodils…haven’t been successful before.
Love, love the lasagna gardening with bulbs in a container. Was hoping to see the end result. How tall was your container, about a foot? I can’t wait to try this.
Hi Mary, the container is about two feet tall. Sorry you didn’t get to see the end result. Come back next spring, and I’ll show you then. Thanks for entering.
Would looooooooooooove these bulbs!
Tweeted about the giveaway! ttps://
Should be
I’m so excited for Rebecca’s new book! What a treat to visit her garden during the Fling–I didn’t want to leave, it’s so beautiful. I love bulbs and am obsessed with tulips, so thanks for the fun giveaway, Dee!
The bulbs would be great in my garden. Thank you!
oops forgot to put all the information. thanks for the idea concerning the lasagna planter. I think I may try it this year. thanks again for all your wonderful flower management..
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Must try to lasagna method to bulbs in containers. Wonder if it would work on forced bulbs as well?
I would love the bulbs!
Even if I don’t win, I will order those tulips. love them!
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Learned something new today, lasagna gardening, who knew. These should be lovely.
Love that you gave instructions on how to plant bulbs in a pot – especially helpful for those of us who have black clay for soil! Hope you’ll post pictures of the bulbs when they bloom!
Hi Brenda! You just won my contest on RDR! Send me your address, and your bulbs will be on the way.
great information!!
love the book too
Neat idea to have bulbs in a pot – much less back-breaking than digging them into the ground/heartbreaking when the squirrels just dig them up for winter munchies!
I always look forward to those first flowers of spring! Thanks for the giveaway.
great idea- thanks for the great giveaway!
Wahoo!! Great info, and what a lovely book. I think I must order along with yours! OK Dee, this is my second entry. Posted it to FB, and I will go Twitter it too.haha
Love to you! Thanks for this fun thing.
I love the photographs of the bulbs being planted lasagna style in the large pot. I can imagine the beautiful waves of color that will be blooming next spring.
I will try tis method very soon,please count me in,I need this bulbs,thank you.
Love using bulbs in the garden I know that pot is going to be beautiful when it blooms.
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Best garden I ever had was lasagne gardening…never thought to try it with bulbs!
Would you believe I have never put more than one type of bulb in a container? Id love to try it out!
Boy, what a give away. I think you have already given it away with all that interesting information that I needed to read. I have ordered Rebecca’s book and I would love to put it to good use with your bulbs.
Ann Myers
Hi Dee,
By using the icons at the top of your blog I retweeted your tweet on the book and shared your facebook post on my timeline. I also pinned to Pinterest. You should see the share and retweet on your accounts.
I’ve read about layering bulbs but have never tried it and your tutorial here will be so helpful. Love the idea of Rebecca’s book to keep things fresh.
I have never tried bulbs before. Maybe this is what I need!
I already won by picking up pointers from this post (bulb planting AND book promotion). Which is not to say I wouldn’t be over the moon if I won your giveaway as a bonus.
Pick me! Pick me!
What a fun and interesting way to help a friend sell her new book and lead others to new blogs! I love your idea for planting bulbs in containers and appreciate the tutorial!
Hi there! O.K. I shared on my FB page at And I tweeted a link to your site. My twitter is Andrea@igardendaily. Thanks for the fun!
O.K. I’m in! I’ve not tried lasagna style planting with bulbs and these are some of my fav colors… 🙂
I’ve never tried the lasagna bulb planting method. I bet it makes a beautiful display. That’s amazing that all those bulbs can be planted together like that. Looks like a fun project.
I love that bulbs remind you that spring is on the way. And I just learned that there are some that come up in the fall! I have lots to learn!
Posted on Facebook and Twitter. I had some problems with the other links, but I’m confident sharing these. Good luck with your contest. It is time to get those forcing bulbs started.
tweet makes it hard not to be able to paste the link
Sorry Angela, but thank you for sharing it. I see where you did!
my three favorite flower, this would be awesome to have
Thanks for showing how to do this type of bulb planting. I pre-ordered Rebecca Sweet’s book, and it arrived on Saturday. I am really excited to read it through and apply her ideas. I really like your blog!
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You’ll laugh at this but it took me a while to figure out why it’s called lasagna planting. I was thinking, nothing here is even edible. LOL!
thanks for the great giveaway and instructions. love ya!
Your instructions are great and much needed. Thanks for the offer.
A lasagna container garden-what a great way to welcome spring
I have had Rebecca’s book on my Amazon “save for later” list for awhile anxiously awaiting it’s arrival
Shared on FB but not sure how to tell you I did that, do let me know!
My tweet!
Awesome!! Here’s my FB post:
Your photos are lovely and such a great how to! Thanks for the giveaway! (Does the book come with it? 😉 Going off to share on FB and Twitter, will be back with links (if I can figure out the Twitter link…)
I’m sorry Melissa, the book doesn’t come with it. However, it’s not too pricey I think. 😉 BTW, I saw where you posted it on FB. Thanks!
Fresh Spring Lasagna. Yum!
Shared on my FB page – Gardening Melody
This is my first year to garden and not only am I amazed at EVERYTHING, but its very addictive and theraputic!! I used to say I could kill a silk plant until this past April when I went to this nursery, Deez Treez, and upon meeting Dee,my life hasn’t been the same since…which is a good thing!! I’m looking forward to reading all the blogs I can & absorbing as much info as possible. I just can’t seem to get enough 🙂
I love the idea of of planting bulbs in a pot – and the ones you have chosen are beautiful. I hope I win!
I have always wanted to try layering bulbs in a pot. I am thankful garden bloggers support each other. Sure helps folks like me to find need folks (like you) to read.
I adore this new book from Rebecca, my own personal garden fairy and inspiration. Nothing like a pot of bulbs making us happy in the spring!
You’ve inspired me to get out and plant some bulbs! Thanks!
Oh, that pot of bulbs is going to gorgeous!
Love the garden pictures on Rebecca Sweets’ site.
I really enjoy Rebecca’s blog, so I am sure this will be a useful book!
Yes, please!
I certainly could use some design help, so Rebecca’s book looks like the perfect reading for this winter! Seeing her garden through the eyes of everyone who visited it during the San Francisco Fling, I’m sure she will provide some inspiration.
I didn’t just come to visit for the giveaway, though. I wish I’d read this post yesterday, Dee. I planted some tulip bulbs in a pot this weekend–my first attempt at doing this. But I would never have thought of planting layers of bulbs as you have. What a great idea! I thought I was done planting bulbs this year, but will definitely have to remember this for next year.
Love these bulbs& love the opportunity to win them!
Yes, love those bulbs and the book sounds great.
I just bought the book. It is beautiful and looks like it is full of great information. Love the lasagna bulbs too!
Wonderful visual of the process and loved the layering idea!
Thanks for the ideas and a look at the new book. I planted an old wheelbarrow with bulbs you suggested one year and it was stunning.
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Fingers crossed!
Rebecca’s book looks lovely. And I have terracotta pot envy. Your planter is lovely.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this great give-away!
Dee, I love the look of your friend’s book…been thinking about a trellis! And the Plum Pudding tulips sound Perfect!
I am looking forward to reading Rebecca’s book. Winning some bulbs would be an added bonus!
I love bulbs! And I loved your post on how to plant them in layers. I am excited about doing something like that now I am a pot only gardener. Thanks.
Dee, you are inspiring me to pot up some bulbs. I also want to get Rebecca’s book. I’ll be sharing on FB!
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Hey, Dee, not only did I post to my Facebook page. . .I posted to my blog as well. Hope your fall in Oklahoma is spectacular. .
Great post. I use containers like that a lot, swapping them out seasonally. Always a fresh pot around the corner when one gets tired looking. Thank you for hosting the giveaway too. Good luck to all!
After the long dry summer, I thought I might give up gardening until I saw this post. It is just the thing to start off spring down here. Hope I win. . .
The book sounds perfect and those bulbs and planter will look terrific in my garden;) gail
Sorry, Gail, the planter isn’t included. It’s display only unless you come take it out of my garden. 🙂
So glad I dropped in at the party. We could all do with a little bit of garden refreshment. I’ll be checking out the book. And what gardener wouldn’t love that pot of bulbs. I have never tried the layering technique but it looks like a great idea.
I agree…we need to support each other and I will be looking for Rebecca’s book. it will be perfect as I am redoing many areas of my garden.
That will be worth the wait, I am sure. Yes, we must support our garden writers. I will check out the book!
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Can’t wait to read Rebecca’s new book! yay! I loved her vertical gardening book.
I would love to plant a terracotta pot just like you did. Winning these bulbs would be just fantastic to do that!