I've worked all spring to get you a list of the tomatoes I'm trying this summer. You would think that for the queens of the …
Starting tomato seeds
It's time to start tomato seeds in Oklahoma. Why start your own tomato seeds? Because you can control what goes into your …
Tomato season in high gear
Tomato season is in high gear at Little Cedar. You know we're calling our property Little Cedar, right? That's because my …
Buying seeds
It's good and bad when seed catalogs show up in our mail boxes just before Christmas. The good part is they give gardeners …
Burning questions about growing vegetables in Oklahoma
Hi Winter Weary Gardeners! I've been perusing search terms on my blog stats for the past week, and it seems like you're …
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Tomatoes I’m trying this season
Time to start tomato seeds in Oklahoma. I want to set my plants out toward the end of April. A bit early perhaps, but if I must, …
Dear Friends and Gardeners, June 21, 2010
Dear Carol, Mary Ann and all those who walk in the garden way, This time of year, the sun is all smiles for the garden. In …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners, June 7, 2010
Dear Carol, Mary Ann, and all of our other friends, Hi everyone! Sorry I was gone so long. I couldn't tell you where I was …
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Best and easiest vegetables to grow in Oklahoma
What are the best and easiest vegetables to grow in Oklahoma? First, growing anything in Oklahoma is a dare. You never …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners, April 19, 2010
Carol from May Dreams Gardens (Zone 5), Mary Ann from Gardens of the Wild, Wild West (Zone 6) and I decided, last year, to …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners, April 12, 2010
Dear Carol, Mary Ann and all other gardening friends, I hope you had a good weather week. Other than the hail on April 6th, and …
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An ongoing and clandestine love affair
This year, I swore no indoor seed growing. Here's why: I really don't have a place for them except the basement (where I'll …
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