Today was a quiet home day as are most Wednesdays. I stay away from the computer and just do those things which keeps the RDR humming. I fold the every present laundry. I shop for groceries. I love shopping for groceries especially at Homeland. Now, those who live nearby will be laughing. Homeland isn’t the cheapest store, and it isn’t the biggest (I like small), but it has things I can’t find anywhere else like really fresh produce and unusual things (for Oklahoma anyway) like leeks. I wish I could grow leeks. I watch Jamie Oliver whip them up into the most faboo things, but alas, I have never grown leeks well. Maybe if I started them in fall?
By Wednesday, I’m ready for a bit of home keeping. I’ve usually sent off a post to Lowe’s or Fiskars, or an article to Oklahoma Gardener, and I’m ready to just have some quiet time. That’s the thing about working at home, there is never enough time, and yet, you’re always working. I often write on Saturdays because I have some real, uninterrupted time even though the kids are home. This week, I thought I had Thursday, but it’s induction into National Junior Honor Society for Bear, and I simply must be there. We are so proud of her.

So, on Wednesdays, it’s all quiet at RDR, but I’m as busy as a little bee. I shop for great things to eat, supplementing the frozen meat with lots of veggies. Then, I run home, throw the frozen food into the freezer, and clean out the fridge. I separate any leftovers which were truly “left over” into three categories. Some meat goes to the dogs. They like leftover roast and veggies especially. Labs like cooked veggies especially in meat broth. Meat, veggies and fruits,except for uncooked onion, garlic and citrus fruits, which can make the eggs taste funny, become chicken feed. Any other, more decomposed fruit and veggies (never meat) go into the compost. Eggshells do too. I save them during the week.
Then, I start dinner, and on Wednesdays, it’s always something slow-cooked and savory. Today, we had beef bratwurst with kraut, carrots, small potatoes, leeks and homemade biscuits.
Once all of this prep work is done, I sit back and enjoy a bit of reading. I am always reading three or four books, and one of the things I like about e-readers is, if I get a bit bored with one book, I can always start another. So, what was I reading? I finished The Talisman Ring, by Georgette Heyer, and I started Growing a Farmer: How I Learned to Live Off the Land. I find I’m very interested in back-to-the-land books. I simply am.
I almost fell asleep I was so tired, but soon, it was time to pickup Bear and rush back home to make the biscuits. Wednesdays may be a quiet home day, but they take a lot of work to make them that way.
I hope your Wednesday was quiet and productive too.
Let me know how ‘Growing a Farmer’ compares to ‘A Very Small Farm’. From reading the synopsis, on Amazon, it sounds like it may be another that I need to buy.
I think you would have better luck with leeks as a fall crop that you grow through the winter and harvest in spring. That’s my educated guess. Wednesday is what I call village errands day: library, post office, bank, food co-op.
i just noticed i typed “banana peed”!! haha sorry!
i had a quiet evening at home too. i finally dug holes around my new rose bush and planted a chopped up banana peed, turned my compost, rakes some leaves which i added to composter and played with my dog Liza. i planted a small Lavender plant two days ago and last evening i noticed that something had eaten most of it. so i planted another small plant in a different location. will see what happens. i did see my first small grasshopper last weekend which i lovingly stomped and killed. wondering if another hopper got it. i had a terrible time with them last year. some were so big they were scary.
as for leeks, i have read that they should be started in the fall. congrats to Bear. i’m not surprised though since she’s your daughter. : )
I love the idea of a planned day each week like that. I find some days I need to do it to catch up and it always clears my mind. Maybe I should start planning for it! We’re all proud of Bear too!
Reading this took me back to those days with children at home, work and never finding time for myself. Aaahhhhh those were the days. Try to cherish these moments. I know you will. One day in the near future you will have so much time you won’t know what to do with yourself. Congrats to Bear. She must be a chip off the ole block.
There is no place like home to re-charge. I am going to consider one day of no technology. That means only computer and TV though.
Sigh! A lovely day . . . and way to reconnect with your home Dee. You are an inspiration. Congratulations on your honor student! Sweet photos of your tiny blooms. Lucky you!
Dear Dee, taking a special day mid-week for homemaking and reading seems the perfect way to help you tend to the things that need tending, including kids. Way to go, Bear! 🙂
Everyone should have a quiet home day. It sounds so nice the way you describe it. Probably makes the rest of the week less hectic, too.
And yes, congrats to Bear!
Dear Dee, It was more hectic then I would have liked. You day off mid-week from the computer is very attractive…It may be just what’s needed for my peace of mind. The crocus are lovely. Isn’t it a joy to have spring flowers and warmer days. xxoogail