In much of Oklahoma, we woke up to a surprise snowfall this morning. The weather forecasters thought we would get rain. It may be rain, but it’s frozen. All the better to show off red birds in the snow against dark branches.

Traffic was slow going, and accidents were shown on television as they happened on bridges and overpasses in Oklahoma City. Further north, we enjoyed the warmth indoors while I shot photos of Cardinals and other birds enjoying the bird feeder.

I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year. I have a touch of a cold, not that bad, but irritating. It didn’t stop me from seeing two movies over the holidays, Unbroken and The Imitation Game. Both were weighty subjects. Where is a good rom-com when you need one?
So pretty! I love the look of cardinals against the snow. And that first picture is so awesome with the cardinal set off by the red chair! I hope you get better soon. So much sickness going around this winter!
Happy new year to you too, Dee. Your cardinal photos are lovely, though I not sure I am ready to see snow.
Love, love the first photo! We still haven’t had any snow, but at least we had some sunshine for Christmas instead of the rainy, gloomy days we had most of December. Hope you are feeling better and wishing you a Happy New Year, Dee!
Darling pictures! Wish we had snow, too. Wishing you the best ever 2015!
Beautiful, beautiful photos.
Thank you so much. I have a new camera, and I think it does red well.
Beautiful photos! I love the cardinal on the red bench. Love Actually always cheers me up, regardless of the season. I hope you’re feeling better soon. 🙂
Thank you so much. Claire and I ended up watching You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle. Both were great. I’m feeling much, much better.
I LOVE cardinals!
Me too. They are my favorite winter birds so pretty against the snow.
I love the bird on the line too. I’m glad you included it.
We’re suppose to have some snow tonight. Wish it wasn’t so cold though.
Happy New Year!
I was really fascinated with how the lights looked with the little bird balanced on them. Thanks.
Those are beautiful pictures, Dee. I hope you are feeling better and find the rom-com you are looking for!
Thank you Carol. I am feeling so much better.
We have cardinals, but no snow here in the Northeast, Dee. We had springlike temperatures for Christmas. Love your photos. I loved the book ‘Unbroken’ but have decided not to see the movie. I just finished reading ‘Wild’ and can’t wait to see that movie. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year. P. x
Pam, I can’t wait to see Wild. My husband has promised to accompany me. As for Unbroken, the book is so much better, but isn’t that always the way? Happy New Year to you too.
Lovely bird photos!
Christmas Day was sunny but cold here in north Mississippi. We’ve had rain Saturday and Sunday, and more rain expected on Monday.
Best wishes for the New Year!
Thank you Lea. We had very warm temperatures again. Now, it’s cold here again. Happy New Year!
How interesting that you have snow, and here in central and southern Wisconsin we have not a speck on the ground or in the air! I actually had hoped that we’d get a dusting for Christmas and a little more as a plant blanket before the cold snap this week, but Mother Nature had other plans. Good thing my plants have a heavy mulch of nature’s Oak leaves. Your photos of the cardinals a beautiful, Dee. I do hope you’ll feel much better soon!
Hi Beth, the snow was all melted by late afternoon. There is only a little in the shade. We’ve had mostly warm weather. Sorry you didn’t get your Christmas snow. There’s something special about Christmas snow.
I can imagine the movie Unbroken. I couldn’t finish the book let alone watch it on a movie screen. Too sad for me. Life has enough grief in it without suffering through other’s grief. I love seeing Cardinals in the snow. They are so gorgeous in any setting but the snow really shows off their brilliance. I hope you get to feeling better. Happy New Year.
Hi Lisa, Claire and I cured ourselves of melancholy by watching two different romantic comedies on television. Hitch was one of them. Made us laugh, and that helped chase the blues away. I did love the book Unbroken, but the movie was very, very hard to watch.~~Dee
Oh I how I wish we had Cardinals they are so lovely. Great photos,and happy New Year
I would definitely miss Cardinals. They are so much a part of my winter, along with several types of small sparrows, Chickadees, American Goldfinches and Blue Jays. The birds are such a bright spot when the world is brown and gray.
Great shots, Dee! It’s wonderful how those cardinals pop against the snow background.
Thank you Robin!
So pretty! Hope you feel better soon, Dee.
Thank you Marian. I am on the mend.