Some of you may have noticed my blog was down last night and today. If you stopped by, you saw three error messages instead of my red dirt road.
It was my fault. I was trying something new in my sidebar, and I accidentally inserted code where it shouldn’t go.
This is a photo of ‘Midnight Madness’ which is how I felt last night; pretty, but crazy. After I threw a hissy fit, I decided to email my friend who knows a lot more about how blogs work than I ever will.
Kathy from Blogging Art and Practice, also known as the Cold Climate Gardener, worked hard today and helped me back online. She also enlisted Linda’s assistance from Times to Come. (Thank you too, Linda.)
Kathy is my blog coach, which is cool because not only does she help me fix my blog issues, but she also teaches me how to fix them myself next time. Next month I’m planning a coaching session on ftp uploads and backup. I’ve been uploading all my files through the upload feature in my cpanel. I need to learn to do it more efficiently.
In the meantime, thanks Kathy from the bottom of my heart.
Hooray, you all fixed up on your blog. If I ever switch to WordPress, I’ll be calling Kathy to help me out!
Sounds frustrating, but glad you’ve gotten things fixed:). Love your daylily Dee. Brilliant color!
I just love those daylilies that have ruffled edges. I don’t have one yet. I wonder why?? I will look for this
one the next time I am shopping. I just got a notice that a daylily farm not far from here is having an open house.
Lisa, which farm. I probably know of it. To find the ruffly ones, you’ll need to check online at the Lily Auction or at a specialty farm. They are getting more common, but not sold in the regular nurseries.~~Dee
Love the daylily! Sorry you were having Blog problems, but I’m so glad they got straightened out!!
Thanks. The site is back up, and they are mostly fixed.~~Dee
Oh, I truly wish someone would teach me how to do all the technical “blog things.” I get so bored with my stuff, but every time I try to do anything, I accidentally delete something!
Brenda, oh yeah, I’ve had that experience more than once. She’s a good coach, but you have to pay her.~~Dee
What an incredible daylily! I will have to keep my eye out for that one. I got the blog errors yesterday, but the blog came up anyway at the time I checked. It’s great to have a blog-guru to help you out when you need it though! 🙂
Hi Aisling, I’m glad the blog came up for you. Kathy will help anyone willing to pay. 🙂 ~~Dee
Why, Mr. Perry, thank you, sir. And Cinj, I am taking new clients, if you ever get in over your head.
Dee, you’re quite welcome, and I’m very glad you acknowledged Linda’s help. She’s the real expert.
Yes, Linda is wonderful with code.~~Dee
Geez, I wish I had a blog coach! Luckily I’ve been able to figure out most of my problems myself so far. EEK.
Cinj, she’ll be glad to coach you too, if you need the help.~~Dee
I’ve noticed that Kathy is kinda like Santa Claus to many of us, laden with gifts and always a droll smile. Glad you’re back up and running, Dee. And Ms. Purdy, you really are the best!!!
David, I’m glad you’re back from writing seminars too. I couldn’t have said it better, except she’s kinda little for Santa Claus.~~Dee