The leaves are just starting to turn, and today, while I planted some bulbs and Pansies, I noticed for the first time since spring that the sun was no longer warm on my back. In fact, I wore a lightweight sweater over a t-shirt and capris, and I felt just warm enough.
Two of my bulb orders are en route, and another is waiting at the post office. I’ll pick it up in the morning. Although I held the Pansies as long as I could (I wanted to plant them over the new bulbs), they needed to go into the ground.
I planted Heirloom Snowflakes, Leucojum aestivum, part of the Southern Living Collection, a mix of small yellow and purple Alliums, Allium, Purple Sensation and nigrum, Galanthus nivalis single, Ornithogalum umbellatum and Pansies and Johnny Jump-Ups.
I have many more bulbs to plant before winter heads south, but while outside, I started musing. Usually, by the end of fall, I am happy for the first freeze. I’m ready to curl up on the sofa, good book in hand, my quilt tucked around my toes, and a crackling fire in the grate. However, this year, I’m just a little sad that the season is almost over, and I wonder why.

Is it because the weather was so much better than in years past?
Or, could it be that we tackled several projects in the garden, some of which we didn’t finish until late summer? Am I wanting to spend more time out there enjoying what we accomplished?
Or, rather, is it because of all of you?
I vote for number three. When I started this blog a year ago, I had no idea where the journey would take me. I didn’t realize how many friends I would make, and how much more I would learn about gardening.
You have strengthened me, cheered me and challenged me when I needed it. For that, I want to thank you.
Now, I’m asking for your help. I need a name for my garden. Naming the garden isn’t ostentatious. It’s a must when it’s often your subject. I can’t keep referring to it as “It”. Since you are all so brilliant, I’m sponsoring a contest creatively called, “Name that Garden.” (Sometimes, I crack myself up.)
This contest is completely subjective as in I will pick the winner. Since this is a serious blog changing contest, I bet you’re wondering, what does the winner get?
Because I’m grateful to you for helping me unlock my creativity, I’ll include a copy of Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening
by Fran Sorin, and since I love the butterflies and bees living and loving on my little acre, you can also win a copy of Wildlife-Friendly Plants: Make Your Garden a Haven for Beneficial Insects, Amphibians and Birds, by Rosemary Creeser. Creeser gives great scientific information for each plant listed, but what I found most interesting is how a single plant can benefit so many types of wildlife from insects, to small mammals to birds.
The contest ends one week from today, and I’ll announce the winner soon thereafter. Come on, everyone, let’s play!
I have been trying to think of a name, but Windsong…Windsong stays on your mind! Are you too young to remember that perfume?
Layanee´s last blog post..Talking With a Snake in the Garden
No, Layanee, I can hear the commercial and see the guy running for the train right now. 🙂 ~~Dee
I discovered your post about your first garden mentor – Edith Juanita. Just a thought for naming your gardens… Nita Rose Gardens… “Rose” for your love of roses, and your mom, whom you refer to as “Red Dirt Rose.”
Liisa´s last blog post..Bulb Planting Madness…
Thanks for the idea, Liisa. Nita is also my sister’s name.~~Dee
Hmmm… Lakehaven? Tranquil Lake? Good luck, Dee. If I am struck by any more bouts of creativity, I will head back over…
Liisa´s last blog post..Bulb Planting Madness…
Hi Liisa, good ideas. Thanks for playing. I’ll announce the winner on Monday.~~Dee
I’ve got it! Roswell (or Rosewell).
Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog post..Last Dance on the Titanic
I think you’ve been carving too many Alien Jack-o-Lanterns, that’s what I think. 🙂 ~~Dee
I like that you head out to the ‘Real Red Dirt’, Dee … I like that 😉
Joey, I truly enjoyed your post about the apples.~~Dee
Heavens, now I want to name my own garden! I will have to think on yours. But the others have come up with some lovely names.
Brenda Kula´s last blog post..The Madness Continues
How about Red Dirt Retreat?
Mary´s last blog post..Independence
Not bad, not bad, Mary. Thanks.~~Dee
What a wonderful post! Thanks for making me smile. I have names for my separate gardens based on what we do in them, what is planted there, or where they are located – “The Reading Garden,” “The Fairy Garden,” “The terraced garden” – not too clever I’m afraid. I”ll need to think about your garden a bit
Melissa Mannon´s last blog post..The Gardener’s Soul
Thanks, Melissa. I’m glad I made you smile.~~Dee
I will have to think on this matter. I just name my gardens pertaining to what’s in them or their proximity. Like “gate garden” meaning it’s by the gate that goes into the back yard. Sorry I can’t be of any help.
Lola, I’ll probably still talk about the back garden or front garden to differentiate.~~Dee
Gosh Dee, it has been great getting to know you and your garden through blogging. I think naming a garden is very personal. I just can’t think of a name for yours. Maybe if I had toured through your garden a time or two I could be helpful. Windsong sounds lovely.
I bet you don’t want the season to end because you have done so much work in the garden this year. Your new path etc. I don’t blame you for not wanting it to end.
That’s o.k., Lisa. Thanks for coming by anyway. I always enjoy our visits.~~Dee
Windsong sounds nice–very poetic. Perhaps Rosesong, to blend this with your love of roses? Or if you want a closer link with your blog name, what about Red Dirt Digs?
Kim´s last blog post..A few (more) of my favorite things, Part III
Kim, I like Rosesong very much.~~Dee
I don’t have a suggestion, but I love the name Windsong! I think it’s beautiful!
Robin´s last blog post..Say It Aint So! Snow!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who is lagging behind on bulb planting;) I’ll think about a name to suggest.
Thanks, Marnie. I hope you do.~~Dee
I signed up to follow your blog, glad I did. I think I just planted “Wild Ageratum”. It was growing wild in my Tulsa Son’s backyard! As far as a name for your garden, you’ve had some great suggestions, but as a fellow Okie, maybe GALLARDIA for the state wildflower!
LaDonna´s last blog post..Drumstick or Breast?
Thanks, LaDonna, for signing up. I appreciate it. As to Gaillardia, I think the Gaylord family has already taken that one.~~Dee
I love Windsong! Also Lakeview. I had a friend in England whose house looked southward over a small meadow and the property had been named Southview. I liked that. It made sense. Still thinking.
Mary Ann´s last blog post..A Day in the Life of the Idaho Gardener
MA, if I named it like your friends, it would then be call Westview. Not as pretty as Southview, is it? Shucks.~~Dee
When/if inspiration strikes, I’ll let you know. I wish I could say all my bulbs were planted already. Now I have to wear gloves under the garden gloves to get it done.
Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog post..Busy as Bees
MMD, like you, I have lots more to plant, but the weather has been good.~~Dee
Oh, the naming of the garden is difficult isn’t it? I have been trying to come up with one for quite a while and….nothing. I will have to think about this one!
Layanee´s last blog post..Talking With a Snake in the Garden
Rock Rose Gardens is my current suggestion.
Cindy´s last blog post..A Rainy Bloom Day
That’s a good choice, Cindy, since I have lots of both.~~Dee
Love your garden-naming contest Dee! I might borrow your idea, since I haven’t come up with a name for my garden yet. Best wishes finding the perfect name for your beautiful garden!
Thanks, Linda, I hope I do too.~~Dee
I have enjoyed meeting all the wonderful garden bloggers in the past five months too. Nice post today Dee and how fun to ask for suggestions for a name for your garden. I will have to think on it a bit.
Racquel´s last blog post..GB Fall Color Project: Virginia
I’m glad I’ve gotten to meet you Racquel, and BTW, Racquel is such a lovely name. I’ve been meaning to tell you.~~Dee
What a lovely post Dee – It id so lovely that your blogging has become so rewarding for you.
I will have to think some more before making a suggestion with regards to a name.
Karen – An Artists Garden´s last blog post..Weekend Walk – 26th October 2008
Thank you, Karen.~~Dee
I love the song , “Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains ..” therefore Windsong sounds good to me.
carolyngail´s last blog post..GARDEN BLOGGERS’ BLOOM DAY -OCTOBER
You guys are all so creative. Windsong is very nice.~~Dee
I think you don’t want this summer to end because it was so rewarding. You feel accomplished and satisfied. You have earned it. Congrats Dee, you have done beautiful things this year in the garden and in the lives of others. We appreciate you too.
Now let’s see…oh, yea, I don’t want to foget to go see what kind of pansies you are tallking about. They sound pretty.
A Name..Rambling Rose
Pretty, Anna. Very pretty.~~Dee
Btw, I like Red Dirt…I am married to an Okie!
Gail´s last blog post..What Was I Thinking When I Stuffed All Those Plants In My Car?
I always assumed that your garden was named Red Dirt…I want to think about this a bit more!
Gail´s last blog post..What Was I Thinking When I Stuffed All Those Plants In My Car?
Gail, I hope you come up with something.~~Dee
I think your view is one of the garden’s best assets, so I propose simply “Lakeview.”
Kathy´s last blog post..Plants that still look good in late autumn
Kathy, Lakeview is very pretty. Perhaps we will uncover more of the lake once the poison ivy dies.~~Dee
I also planted some Leucojum today, along with many other minor bulbs. Must have been a day to plant!
The name of my garden came to me “pre-blog” and after some thought, so I named my blog after it. I will send you an email with suggestions for a name for your garden, but also leave one here… how about Red Dirt Rose Haven?
Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog post..Stories About the Garden and the Gardener
Carol, I wish a name had come to me a long time before like yours did, but I thought this would be a fun way to remedy something long overdue.~~Dee