I've been like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockers. It's the end of the school year for my kids, and all that …
A pretty cold May bloom day
Our morning temps have not been the norm in Oklahoma recently. At 45F for the last couple of weeks, it's been chilly, but still a …
Ten easy flowers to grow in Oklahoma
I haven't done a ten easiest in awhile, so I thought I'd update us all with flowers instead of veggies. I get a lot of searches …
A bit of cloud in the red dirt sky
I wasn't going to write this post because I believe you'd rather not hear me whine. However, Non-gardening, best friend (NGBF), …
A tumble down the daylily rabbit hole
It is an established fact I have too many daylilies, hemerocallis, for those who like a little Latin sprinkled about like good …
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