When your mom is in the hospital again, what do you send her? Instead of indoor plant she will later pass off to you or let die, …
Japanese maples in the Oklahoma landscape
Next to roses, nothing is more beautiful than a well grown Acer palmatum. When their leaves unfurl, Japanese maples are beautiful …
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Ten things which make me realize the seasons are a changin’
Since it's October 10, 2010, and I completely stole this idea from Carol of May Dreams Garden, here are ten things which show the …
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Wordless Wednesday: early fall 2010
Click on any photo to see it larger, and then hit your back button to go back to the gallery. Whoops, that wasn't wordless was it? …
Rose rosette comes to RDR
Sometimes, disaster strikes, and you don't always know until afterward. Last spring, I detected that the new foliage on some of my …