Fall is upon me, its face a mixture: the sunny yellow of the cottonwoods and native elms lining Oklahoma creeks, the burgundy reds of sumac and the burnished copper of Blackjack Oaks.

Rainy days which nearly drowned spring are long gone, and rusty sand slides between my fingers. So much to do before I put the garden to bed. Way too many bulbs to plant, and I’ll feel my folly when fingers freeze in November soil.
No gain without pain because soon spring will again return and tell a story of red and purple tulips with dark purple violas. At least, that’s what I see in my mind’s eye. Only time will tell.
I walk along dirt pathways and listen to the wind whispering through the trees and know this golden time won’t last. Best finish my chores. Make more leaf mulch. Place it and Back to Nature on the beds and borders to nourish quiet plants while they sleep.

But, pathways also beckon me forward with camera in hand for burnished autumn moments pass like a falling leaf on a late October wind.
So do our lives.
Take time.
Be thankful.
Rejoice in the moment and give praise to whom it is due.
The chores do sometimes seem overwhelming until one takes the time to live in the moment. I am picking away at the fall bulb planting. A few today, a few tomorrow. .. it will get done.
A great season to rejoice and be thankful, and a great post to remind us to do that. I love that leafy path to the barn, very beckoning.
I really enjoyed your post. :0) How wonderful to have so much space… You would feel the folly more if you didn’t follow your heart and plant those bulbs!!
What a lovely reminder to remember to whom we should offer our gratitude for these glorious days of autumn. Couldn’t have resisted that path myself! Beautiful post.
Dee you’re way ahead of me. I never even remember to order fall bulbs!
Such a beautiful post, Dee. I took a walk on a similar path with Sophie, our dog, yesterday, and asked myself why don’t I take time to do this every day? Autumn is certainly a time of reminding us to stop and savor every moment. Hope your mother is doing better.
Would love to walk that leafy path with you. Today we have some late rain, it is chilly. Looking forward to spending the afternoon curled up by the fire with a good book.
Lovely poetic post. This is my favorite time of year. I haven’t planted my bulbs yet either, by the way.
Dear Dee, I enjoyed walking with you along the leafy path. Just to stop and think how blessed we are. Pam x
That was beautiful!
Lovely post! I just adore the sumac in the fall. If it were very well-behaved, I’d have to have it. Your path does beckon.
I’m ready to walk with you along that beautiful tree-lined path!
Like the season, delightfully poetic, dear Dee. Wait for me, I’m right behind you on the path!
Dear Dee, your words and photos are like fine music and art! The beckoning path is so inviting, that is my most favorite image ever. The red and purples sounds so perfect, a dream to last until spring. 🙂
Lovely photos and prose! Very thoughtful post. I would love to walk along that path. ;>)
I have so much to do as well but hopefully this weekend the weather and my never ending cold will let me get on. Hope you get your bulbs in soon
Helen, I got a few things done this week which make my fall much sweeter. I hope you feel better soon.
the leafy path is so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes. if only the whole world could be so peaceful. thanks for sharing.
Jennie, you are a doll.
This is the best of time to me. I love the way all seems to slow down what with the days getting shorter and the fall colors appearing on the pallette.
Lisa, I think it is meaningful for many people because winter is right around the corner, and we can see the changes.
Amen, amen, AMEN!!! It’s a marvelous time to be thankful for everything that changes. .and everything that stays the same!! Blessings!
Melanie, thank you for you amens. It is the best time. Every day we are given is blessed.
Lovely post – it is such a golden and fleeting time – the time of year that I feel most reflective.
Me too Ginny. Won’t be long before it’s cold outside. Hard to believe today though.
Thanks for the reminder to get out there and enjoy the beauty. You have some lovely areas near you to enjoy!
ps I like you posts back where I can read it all on one page and not need the “read more” link.
Thank you GSS. I do. Also, thanks for the info about the way you read my posts. You’re not the first person to say that.
Wonderful advice Dee…sometimes when we are most busy we need to stop and be thankful for all we have that keeps us so.
That pretty much captures what I’ve been feeling: glorious beauty all around me, garden chores all around me.
Dee, A lovely reminder to be appreciative for all we have. It’s way too easy to get into a funk about things we cannot control and forget to live each moment of our lives with joy and celebration. Thank you my friend, xxoogail
A good post for me to read today. Thanks.