I'm a day late, but I wanted to join in on Pam's Foliage Followup to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Foliage is an important …
Bloom Day April, 2010
Good evening. Thursdays are my busiest day, and I'm a bit behind, but I am here to celebrate Bloom Day. The sun rose purple …
Wordless Wednesday
Thank you Leslie. It's the best answer to a hot-weather-loving snowdrop don't you think? When you can't grow the genus …
Dear Friends and Gardeners, April 12, 2010
Dear Carol, Mary Ann and all other gardening friends, I hope you had a good weather week. Other than the hail on April 6th, and …
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Fairy parasols perhaps?
Did you know at least some Japanese maples bloom? They do. Many of mine are now sending out tiny, hovering umbrellas under …