Survivors, the strong ones, the pioneers, the natives . . . am I speaking of people or plants? The same rules apply. You gotta be …
The zucchini squash challenge and a recipe
Last night, as we ate zucchini fritters, my daughter, the Diva, held a piece aloft on her fork and said, "Mom, you should write a …
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Garden Bloggers Bloom Day Dateline: Sunday, July 15, 2012
It's Bloom Day and Sunday to boot. For those who live somewhere other than the center of the country, I'll give you the forecast …
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My bees are back
And they brought lots of their rowdy friends. I may not have as many bees as last year, but they have returned lured by the …
Just some pretties for Monday
Since it's a Monday, and we've all gone back to work, I thought I'd show you some of my favorite flowers blooming today. Maybe …