A couple of years ago, about this time in summer, on a rack way in the back of my local nursery, I found an interesting plant. It had coarse, willowy leaves, and I think it must hard to be both coarse and willowy. It had healthy foliage and was doing its best in a container so I felt a bit sorry for it and brought it home. Helianthus salicifolius ‘Table Mountain’ sunflower is a cultivar of two native, H. salicifolius so I still consider it a wildflower. From the Missouri Botanical Garden, “It is the result of a controlled cross-pollination that took place in Auckland, New Zealand in 1993 between Helianthus ‘Golden Pyramid’ (female) and Helianthus ‘Autumn Queen’ (male).”

Like all sunflowers and daisies, ‘Table Mountain’ is part of my favorite plant family, Asteraceae. In spite of heat and drought, it blooms steadily each summer. Although it grew in bulk and circumference, it has never spread by seed. I have two plants, and they just hang out in their part of the lower gardens.
The people who measure such things list ‘Table Mountain’ as growing 12-16.” Mine is about two feet in height. It thrives in full sun, and we have plenty of sun each summer. It is drought resistent. It grows in hardiness zones 5-9. It attracts pollinators, no surprise since it sports daisy-like flowers.

If you can’t find it locally like I did, you can buy it at Bluestone Perennials and Forestfarm.
My meadow is spreading like my middle-aged waistline. It seems that as the garden and I mature, I am more interested in planting something closer to the prairie, especially as we move downhill from the house. I’ve placed all the roses, up where I can watch them for any symptoms of Rose Rosette Disease. RRD is like a shadow overtaking the rose landscape in my garden and my state. I’m not too worried because, although I love roses, I love so many plants. I just grow what works.
My meadow, unaffected by disease, has spread from one bed to two, maybe three by this summer’s end. Who knows?
Easy to grow, polite and never overreaching, Table Mountain sunflower is a sunny bargain if there ever was. If you went to your local nursery during the summer doldrums, what do you think you would find on that table, way in the back? You just never know.
Gail from Clay and Limestone sponsors Wildflower Wednesday each month. Head over to her site and see what other wildflowers peeps are growing. Maybe you’ll find something you want to grow too.
This is a lovely sunflower, especially paired with the purple phlox–such a pretty combination! I’m finding myself planting more and more natives, too. If we have many more summers like this one, I’m going to need survivors who don’t need constant watering and coddling.
Oh hi dear gardening pal, The same family of flowers makes me smile and tap dance. Sunflowers and asters are so easy going and adaptable. I love them all. Never met one I haven’t loved.
Miss you, but doesn’t it feel GOOD? Any news?
We leave here August 7th for my talk in Minneapolis on the 10th. Then MAINE!! No garden there this year, way too late, but my garden here has been a joy. Harvesting and cooking from the land. The best.
Love you,
Dee I adore helianthus. They love to seed ll over and I tend to let them as I love the meadow look. One is already flowering which is early for me.
What a great combination with the yellow and purple! I love helianthus – really, there aren’t too many yellow flowers that I don’t like!
I ought to go to the local nursery and see what is growing in this hot, dry summer. Those are the plants I should add to my garden this fall! Thanks for the inspiration.
I love it (and that fab photo of the pollinator with the sunflower) and I think that we must plant what can survive and even thrive in these difficult summers. I don’t mind that we have to rely on cultivars; I have them, too and they are beloved of pollinators, too. I do great amusement when I learn that a native has had to go across the globe and back before it gets any appreciation from the nursery industry! xogail
Love the two entwined with each other!! The purple and yellow are a perfect color combination as well.
Hope your Rosette disease is under control, what a shame.
It does place nicely with other colors too!
RRD is rampant in the middle TN area………I blame it on the knock out mass plantings. I work in landscapes nd gardens, every one has it………..my roses at home so far r ok………but I feel its only a matter of time.
I love your garden. The yellow aster family is also one of my favorites. Have you noticed how the little yellow and black goldfinches are often see on them…
Hi Dee – your garden looks beautiful – I too love the aster family! Have you noticed that the little goldfinches who are yellow and black are often found on the yellow sunflowers?
The phlox and sunflower make a pretty picture. Happy WFW.