I can hear you sigh. First, with delight, and then you remember purple alliums don't often return for a repeat performance here. …
Paying it forward
In everyone's life, there are generous souls who help us find our way. My mentors, past and present, made me believe I can change …
Plant this: Acer palmatum ‘Sango-kaku’
I know, they say it's been overdone, but really, with fall color like this, who cares? In our hot part of the world, most …
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The roses wave a fond farewell
A cold front, dumping tons of snow onto Colorado, and with snow also predicted in the Oklahoma panhandle, is making its way …
Get your bulb on Part II: the half-price bulb beds
The other day I was driving through Edmond, a suburb of Oklahoma City. With kids, I'm always driving here, there and everywhere. I …
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