The dreaded disease, Bulbmania, struck Rosehaven and me. I blame it on Elizabeth, from Gardening While Intoxicated and one of my Plurkettes. All of her plurks and posts about bulbs made me sick with bulbenvy, a precursor to full blown mania.
We do the family Easter celebration at our house every spring, so I always plant some bulbs in the front garden, but this year . . . .
Pity me.
The bulk of the bulbs started arriving this week in sweet little boxes which belie how many plants are inside. I’ve dug so many holes (well, between kid stuff anyway) that I’m starting to feel like my Labrador, Prancer. I ordered from Old House Gardens, the Southern Bulb Company and Brent and Becky’s Bulbs too.
Later, as I strolled through Target, I simply had to walk down the Smith & Hawken aisle. Who knew they would also have bulbs? They were on an endcap, and they were on sale! So, I bought more tulips, daffodils and alliums. While at our local nursery, I tried to resist the bulb aisles, but they called to me, sighing “Plant me . . . plant me.”
Here’s some of what we have so far.
Brent & Becky sent: Tulipa, ‘Orange Emperor,’ Tulipa, ‘Salmon Pearl’, Tulipa ‘Maytime,’ Tulipa ‘Purple Prince,’ Tulipa ‘Acropolis,’ Tulipa ‘Dynasty,’ and Tulipa ‘Purple Dream.’ These are going in the front bed with the angel statue where I planted blue and yellow last year. On Easter, the front garden will be awash with shades of orange and purple. Complementary colors are my favs.
But, wait, there’s more: Narcissus bulbocodium conspicuus, a/k/a Hoop Petticoats, Erythronium tuolumnense, Tuolumne fawnlily (I don’t remember ordering that. Perhaps it was a gift.) Narcissus ‘Smiling Sun,’ and Tulipa ‘Garant’ were part of sampler garden #17, a great way to buy bulbs.

Influenced heavily by Southern Living’s Grumpy Gardener, I ordered Roman Blue Hyacinth, Gladiolus byzantinus (Byzantine Glad), and Narcissus jonquilla, ‘Early Louisiana.’ On my own, I bought ‘Negro Boy’ Crocus, which has an unfortunate name reflective of its old garden status, but is also a beautiful dark purple. This was my second order from Old House Gardens.
From Target came two packages of tulips containing the white ‘Purissima’ and ‘Pink Impression’ with pink ‘Ollioules.’ It’s good to buy tulips on sale in Oklahoma because they don’t like to come back and should be grown here as annuals. These will go in the back garden, but I’m not sure where.
Uh oh, I’ve reached the “I don’t know where they will go stage.” I also got two packages of Narcissi ‘Geranium,’ ‘Yellow Cheerfulness,’ ‘Jetfire’ and Camaliculatus. Again, I don’t know where I’m putting these either. I also bought some Scilla siberica bulbs while I was at TLC Nursery. I think I’ll plant those in a layer on top of the tulips like Becky Heath suggested in Oklahoma Gardener this month.
Well, now you know why I haven’t been posting much this week. If you’d like to visit after church, I’ll be out in the garden planting loads and loads of bulbs. Add to that the orange and purple violas I have for bulb companions, and you can see I’m swamped. Come on over . . . I could use the help.
Can’t wait to see pictures next spring! Have you ever grown the saffron crocus? I’m interested in trying it, but was wondering if it would be worth my while.
Willi´s last blog post..Red, Purple, Yellow and Orange Carrots
Willi, I haven’t ever grown the saffron crocus. It is a beautiful plant, but I don’t know how it would fare here. Thanks for letting me know that one of my links wasn’t working.~~Dee
Hmmmmmmmm, that is not what I would call a real case of bulbmania; you display only the lightest of symptoms. 😉 And don’t worry you will find a place for each and every bulb and come spring you will find (well, I always do) that you haven’t planted nearly enough bulbs during the preceding fall.
cheerio, I’m off to plant some more bulbs 😀
Yolanda Elizabet´s last blog post..I’m On Safari, How About You?
YE, your comment put a huge smile on my face. Now, next year, I’ll have an excuse to buy more. Woo-hoo!~~Dee
This is your best article yet! And I always enjoy reading “The Dirt”. Your garden will be a picture come spring!
Thanks, Aunt Della. I’m thrilled you come and read all the dirt.~~Dee
If I want to be in the know as to what my garden needs next season, I come to your blog. You really are up on what is the newest and best. You seem to be planning and gardening at break neck speed. I will look forward to seeing it in the Spring.
Anna´s last blog post..My Thanksgiving Dishes
Thanks, Anna. I hope I can continue to live up to your praise. It looks like your blog is back up and running. Hooray! We miss you in Plurkland.~~Dee
I really look forward to seeing the fruits of all your labour next spring! My knees ache just thinking about planting that many bulbs 🙂
Amy´s last blog post..I Have A Date!
Hi Amy. I got 75 planted yesterday, and yes, I’m sore. Only about 50 more to go.~~Dee
Oh, Dee, what a wonderful ailment to have.
I am a long time bulbaholic. Last year we put in two beds of 300 bulbs each.
You and your family will not be able to take your eyes off the display next spring. It will be a grand reward for all your hard work.
Martha´s last blog post..Colder and Raining = Seed Planting Time and Tacky Gaudy Plant Lovers – Time To Be Counted
Hi Martha, when you’re next down this way, please stop by, and we’ll talk gardens all day.~~Dee
It’s funny, I’ve never been a big fan of bulb-type flowers, but for some reason, this fall I planted some daffodils. Don’t now what came over me, but I suspect it is reading all these garden blogs about bulbs! 🙂
Susan Tomlinson´s last blog post..Thoughts on Slowing Down, While Traveling at Highway Speed
Watch out for that Bulbmania. It is catching.~~Dee
Hello, for your info I got a really good deal on big bags of bulbs at Sam’s. I got some last year and they did beautifully. I too will be planting bulbs soon.
Donna Baker´s last blog post..Blackberry Sauce in Framboise
Thanks, Donna, for the tip. Perhaps I should stay away from Sam’s instead. 🙂 ~~Dee
My goodness, you did go all out on the bulbs;) I didn’t get nearly as many. I can’t wait for them to bloom.
Me neither, Marnie. Can’t wait.~~Dee
Good selection, Dee. I look forward to the Spring.
You’re going to love Tulip Maytime: I hope you planted lots and lots of them !! At least 500 would be good!
JamesA-S´s last blog post..The Only Available Solid Fuel Was A Sack Of Avocados
I am soooo bad about planting bulbs. I always buy bulbs in blossom in baskets, then put them outside, forget what they are and hope for the best. There are two baskets out front pushing up greenery and I haven’t a clue yet what they are. Oh, well. Your front yard will look so very pretty come Easter and your family will always treasure the memory, and your kindness to think of their well being.
With your extra mild weather, Kathryn, that may be the best way to enjoy them unless you plant southern favorites.~~Dee
I had to chuckle when I read this post because I end up doing the same thing every fall. When mail ordering I try to document what’s ordered but I always end up with more than I realize. 😉 Look forward to seeing your garden next spring. It will Bulbsensational!
Racquel´s last blog post..November Roses
Racquel, sounds like we’ll both have photos to share.~~Dee
Don’t feel all alone Dee. There is a lot of Bulbmania going around this time of year.
And, lots of enablers. 🙂 ~~Dee
My goodness what a lot of bulbs! Do you throw them away each year or are you adding to an already large collection. I stumbled on some tulip bulbs today in my garage that I dried our earlier in the year, if it ever stops raining I will plant them out.
Helen, except for the tulips which don’t come back reliably, I am adding to a large collection. It should be grand.~~Dee
Oh, forgot to tell you I’ve had my second steroid shot (last Thursday). And have started my second round of steroids for the poison ivy… Dreadful stuff.
Brenda Kula´s last blog post..Interesting Things
Brenda, I hope this is the end of it for you.~~Dee
Can you believe I haven’t bought one bulb yet this year? But I really want to get alliums. Love them. I only started planting bulbs last year when we bought this house from our landlord. And knew we were going to stay here. Can’t wait till spring to see that yard of yours, Dee!
Brenda Kula´s last blog post..Interesting Things
Well, Brenda, you have been ‘er a little busy with the poison ivy. I’m thrilled that you finally have a place to truly create.~~Dee
Dear Dee, It will be simply bulbilicious this spring in your garden! You have reminded me that I have lost someplace in the house my allium bulbs! Expensive little devils that I really do want in the sunny bed! I need gps on all my tools and now on my bulbs! Gail
Gail´s last blog post..It Ain’t Over Till The Fat Bumble Leaves
I’ve lost bulbs before too, Gail, for over a year. Another time, HH threw them away. Hope you find them in time.~~Dee
It seems like most years there’s not much in bloom yet around here at Easter. You’re lucky you’ll have Tulips in bloom then. It is hard to be practical when it comes to bulbs. They’re so small & you want to make a big impact. And don’t worry if you have no where to put the rest of them – you can always grow them in pots!
Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog post..Fleeting Beauty
MMD, I think I’m at least a month ahead of you, and I plant early, mid & late to try to account for the variances in weather.~~Dee
That’s funny, I blame my alcoholism on Elizabeth of Gardening While Intoxicated.
I didn’t plant a single bulb this year – because I have no more room! But I am totally intrigued by planting bulbs in pots, which Elizabeth writes about on her blog – and there’s still time for me to do that.
Jim/ArtofGardening´s last blog post..Buffalo in Cleveland
LOL, Jim. Elizabeth is the queen of bulbs in pots. Go get some for your house. It will smell and look great. Thanks for stopping by.~~Dee
Sounds like you are going to have a fabulous show next year – it is so hard to resist them – but I have managed too – well apart from the alliums, (4 different sorts) oh and the tulips
Karen – An Artists Garden´s last blog post..Weekend Walk – cancelled
🙂 See, even the strong succumb.~~Dee
ruh-oh. As if we didn’t have the inclination to get into bulbmania on our own, then along comes the Queen of Bulbs, EAL, setting our hair on fire. I hear ya. I was out planting yesterday. And the day before that. And will be there today and tomorrow and….
Mary Ann´s last blog post..Project ORANGE THUMB
Yes, let’s all blame it on her. 🙂 ~~Dee
I planted a gazillion crocuses one year, and thought I would never be done. Now I am more temperate in my bulb buying because of that. I think I feel a binge coming on for next year though.
Kathy´s last blog post..Two things I learned while weeding today
We’ve certainly discussed it enough that you might be so inclined.~~Dee
I wish I could be there to help you plant the bulbs and violas! Elizabeth has more bulb purchases than just yours to answer for: there are already 3 types of species tulip in the fridge along with Kronos hyacinths and some narcissus. This week I’ve got three Amaryllis and one Belladonna lily coming from Easytogrowbulbs.com. I wonder if it’s really too late for me to buy tulips?
Cindy´s last blog post..How To Get Ready for A Day In The Garden
Cindy, next year, I am so getting some species tulips. I’ll tuck them in and around rocks and little plants, and . . . .~~Dee
Good morning Dee, I’m looking forward to seeing all your efforts rewarded next spring!
linda´s last blog post..Garden Bloggers Are People Too
Howdy, Linda. I can’t wait to play show and tell.~~Dee
Those bulbs sound fantastic!! I am still the throes of the disease, as my lilies have arrived from OHG. It will interesting to hear the timing of when those different varieties of tulips come up. I won’t seeing most of mine until after Easter.
I can’t wait to see what you do with all you’ve bought, although it will cause more Bulbenvy. You can celebrate May with yours.~~Dee
The good thing about Bulbmania is that this spring it will become Bulbdelight and Bulbohmyhowpretty when all those bulbs come up and bloom at Rosehaven, which temporarily might have to be renamed Bulbhaven! I’m looking forward to seeing all the pictures of the blooms.
I also host Easter at my house, and planted some bulbs in anticipation, but not as many as you did. Hmmmm… maybe I need to go to the garden centers and Target to see what’s on sale still!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog post..Embrace Sitting In Your Garden For A Happier Life
Yeah, let me enable you . . . .~~Dee