At night when I can't sleep, I engage in a bit of garden dreaming. Instead of counting sheep, I wander through the everlasting …
How to grow amaryllis and paperwhites indoors
I grow a variety of flower bulbs indoors, but my favorites in December and January are amaryllis (Hippeastrum sp.) and paperwhites …
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Yorkshire Garden Trip: Low Hall Garden
Since it's the weekend, let's do some armchair garden travel and return to an English summer in Yorkshire, UK. Grab yourself a cup …
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Isn’t it romantic?
I'm working on an article for Oklahoma Gardener magazine, and while going through my photos, I found these of my garden from last …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, August
Hello friends! I'm actually making it to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day this month on the actual day! I think it's the first time this …
Rain-soaked garden
Most of Oklahoma got rain night before last. The rain-soaked garden woke up yesterday morning to singing birds, crawling …
Tulsa Botanic Garden, an Oklahoma jewel
Good morning! This will have to be a quickie because I'm behind on my writing projects due to arm surgery. I'm fine. My fingers …
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Ornamental gardens are forgiving
Ornamental gardens are forgiving, and mine has certainly had a lot to forgive this year. The garden's slump started with …
Travelogue: RHS Garden Wisley
Good morning campers! Did you think the travelogue was over? Ah, no, it is not. We have many more places to go and things to see. …
Return to paradise
A week ago Sunday, we drove in from Tomball and Sugar Land, Texas and returned to paradise. I spoke in both locations which was …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: Is it really March?
Can this only be March 15 and Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day? The temperature feels like late April, but before you run to the nursery …
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How to balance garden desires
There comes a time in every gardener's life when she realizes she can't grow it all. Gardeners by their very nature fall in love …