With a flourish, Spring opens her petals and waves her branches in a cheery hello. Even today's cloudy skies can't dim her …
More garden plans
On this rainy, nearly spring day, I've been sitting at my computer and having a big think. Was it Winnie the Pooh who used to sit …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day–March and spring plans
In Oklahoma, there's not much blooming this March for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day hosted by Carol of May Dreams Gardens. Normally, …
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Snow Play
In Oklahoma today, we're in the midst of snow play. Bear is testing the snow now to see if it's the good sledding kind. I'm …
Wildflower Wednesday in Oklahoma
In honor of the fifth anniversary of Gail Eichelberger's Wildflower Wednesday meme, I want to share some of the wildflowers I grow …
Seeds bought this spring…so far
These are the seeds which made their way into my virtual shopping cart from all over the Internet so far this spring. I decided …
Time to Prune Roses
It's time to prune roses in Oklahoma if you have any not yet stricken by Rose Rosette Virus. If your rose has Rose Rosette, shovel …
Before you start a vegetable garden
Everyone's mind and searches are on vegetable gardening right now. Those seed catalogs are like the Sirens' song, aren't they? …
Why garden?
Why do you want to garden? People plunge their hands into the soil for a variety of reasons. Are you following …
Buying seeds
It's good and bad when seed catalogs show up in our mail boxes just before Christmas. The good part is they give gardeners …
In the cold, dark days of winter….
Good morning friends. It's 18F degrees outside, but in my log cabin, all is cozy and warm. I hope that all of you are doing well …
Red birds in the snow
In much of Oklahoma, we woke up to a surprise snowfall this morning. The weather forecasters thought we would get rain. It may be …