On this Wildflower Wednesday, I want to promote the sweet genus gaura. G. coccinea, Scarlet beeblossom, is native to many states. …
Rain chains are jewelry for your gutters
A few years ago I installed a rain chain right outside my kitchen window where I write each morning. As I hung it, I thought how …
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Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, September 2014
It's the 15th of the month, and you know what that means. Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is shared all over the planet and hosted at …
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Ten plants to replace climbing roses
Here are ten plants to replace climbing roses removed because of Rose Rosette Disease. I know some rosarians don't think you need …
Four more roses bite the dust
I mentioned recently on the Oklahoma Women Bloggers blog that 'Cl. Old Blush' had Rose Rosette Virus (RRV). I don't mean to harp …
Buy bulbs now before it’s too late
Consider this your bulb-buying reminder, nay warning. Now is the time to buy bulbs to plant for fall. If you want tulips, …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: August
Did you ever wonder where the term, the "Dog Days of August" came from? Do you suppose it refers to hot weather and a general …
August Garden Observations
Remember all that hurrying and scurrying we did from late February to June? Well, the dog days of August are here, and because I …
Stories from the Garden Bloggers Fling: Chickadee Gardens
If your mind is still a blur from all the sensory input even two weeks later, how would you write the stories of the Garden …
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Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: July
I got home last night at Midnight after a seven-day journey first to Boise, Idaho for a visit with Mary Ann Newcomer and then …
Four B’s to daylily garden zen
You may have noticed a lot of daylily bloom posts on Red Dirt Ramblings this year. For those of you bored by all this hemnut …
Come on over to daylily’s dark side
Imagine, for a moment, Darth Vader holding a daylily scape in his hand instead of a light saber. He's exhorting Luke Skywalker to …