It’s the 15th of the month, and you know what that means. Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is shared all over the planet and hosted at May Dreams Gardens. If you’ve never participated, just jump right in. We’d love to see what’s growing in your part of the world.
Here, in USDA Zone 7a Oklahoma, it’s a story of small flowers, pollen and nectar. Pollinators are hurriedly stocking up anyway they can, and asters, garden mums, crapemyrtles and so many other plants are perfect for an early fall snack. A cold snap two days ago reminded all of us that a change in weather is truly on the way. This week, we’re back up in the 80s, but not for long I fear.

Ipomoea purpurea ‘Grandpa Ott’ morning glory, clambering up a green arbor at the end of the garden, is a perfect foil for the purple chairs beneath. Morning glories self sow everywhere so keep that in mind if you ever get seeds. Still, that star in the center of every bloom is worth it for me. Other plants like Supertunia® Vista Bubblegum® petunias are still delighting me with their beauty. These two plants have a trumpet shaped bloom. Pollinators are very attracted to this shape.

Do grasses count as blooming plants? Yes, in my world they do. I planted Bouteloua gracilis ‘Blonde Ambition’ blue grama grass in one of my “holes of opportunity” where a rose died from Rose Rosette. Two seasons later, look at how pretty this grass is. Note, I wasn’t able to find it in Oklahoma, but when I was in Ft. Worth, I bought it and several other things including some asters and mums I also couldn’t find here. It is completely perennial in our climate so I don’t understand why we can’t purchase it locally. Ask for it. It’s such a beautiful grass.

Looking at that arbor in the photo above, I may paint it green to match the others now that both roses are gone. What shall I plant in the other hole? I don’t know yet, but I am thinking on it. Of that, you can be sure.
This orange crossandra is one of my favorite plants of this year and last. I can’t say enough nice things. Orange is not my favorite color although I do like it in gardens. After all, I’m an University of Oklahoma Sooner, so I come from the land of crimson and cream. Thus, I’m just not into OSU orange, Texas Orange or even Tennessee’s hue. However, crossandra is a nice sherbert shade that doesn’t seem to scream at you. Plus, the leaves stay shiny and upright throughout the entire growing season. I may border my entire garage garden with it next year.

The asters are just starting to do their thing. In about a week, the garden will be flush with them. Here are some blooming now.
Below is Symphyotrichum syn. Aster novae-angliae ‘Hella Lacy’ given to me by writer and horticulturist, Russell Studebaker, is the prettiest aster I own. It’s named after garden writer and plantsman, Allen Lacy’s, wife, Hella. If you haven’t read Allen Lacy, you should. The New York Times’ Anne Raver profiled him and his wife about their little acre of botanical goodness, the Linwood Arboretum.

I have an order in to Bluestone Perennials for two more asters: ‘Alma Potschke’ and ‘Bonny Blue.’ Asters and garden mums are excellent bedding plants to round out a garden. They also feed pollinators which is so important right now. I only have one mum blooming so far, Chrysanthemum (syn. Dendranthema) x. rubellum ‘Clara Curtis’. ‘Clara Curtis’ is also sometimes called ‘Country Girl.’ You can read more about the passalong mum controversy in Southern Living.
Some shrubs are still blooming. If you’ve never planted Hydrangea paniculata, you should. They are great plants and can be grown in partial sun or even full sun like this ‘Pinky Winky’ below. It was a trial plant years ago, and it’s never gotten any larger than four feet. It blooms white and then, as the blooms age, they take on a pink hue.

In this section of the back garden, you may notice the pink crapemyrtle is blooming less. Pretty soon, the maiden grass will bloom and turn brownish-yellow. The leaves on the crapemyrtle will turn too. We’re kind of in between blooms in many places right now.

Zinnias continue to flower with deadheading. They are the stalwart feeders of many bees, moths and butterflies. The ones below seeded themselves as they often do.

I went and cleaned out the beds this afternoon when I took a break from writing. I can affirm that I grow the finest weeds anywhere. Just look at all of these beneath my ‘Red Rocket’ crapemyrtle. Nah, nevermind, just look at it instead. Isn’t it the prettiest shade of red you’ve ever seen?

Both types of Phlox paniculata are still blooming. This milder weather has everything blooming a long, long time.

I don’t know why more people don’t plant purple heart, Setcreasea pallida. Did you know that it is also known as Mary’s tears? That’s because when you pull out the blossom, a tiny blue droplet of nectar is found beneath–like one of the Blessed Mother’s tears. Neat huh? I think people don’t grow it because it’s so easy. I think we need some easy plants too. Why does everything need to be so hard? Why are we always trying to prove ourselves? Trust me and grow this easy plant.

I have more photos, but I don’t want to wear you out. Go check out Carol’s website and see who else played this month. Ciao!
Dee, thanks so much for the great photos. I love orange in the garden, but usually with the purple for contrast.
Your garden is beyond beautiful even as we head into “in between” time. I truly love what you said about purple heart: why do we always have to prove ourselves doing something hard? I love that easy care survivor, too. I can’t get enough purple. . .or orange–and not per Longhorns–I just like orange.
Hydrangea paniculata has got to be one hardy shrub. It’s one of the best for my cold climate–and your hot one! And they are coming out with more varieties all the time.
Hi Kathy, I was thinking the same thing. Such great hydrangeas. I replaced a rose with ‘Limelight’ in one of my beds. It’s already taking off and even blooming. I was thrilled. I’m testing a couple of hydrangeas too. Can’t remember the name, but they are smaller. Very cool.
The season is winding down but I can’t tell that from your flowers. We have the same zinnias! Great minds and all. LOL
Layanee, I do love a good zinnia.
You have some lovely and interesting blooms there. Thank you for sharing them.
Thanks Ronnie for stopping by. Happy Bloom Day!~~Dee
Supertunias are really super in my book. And pinky winky is my all-time favorite hydrangea. Your September garden is gorgeous, Dee. P. x
Thank you Pam! I’m headed over to see yours. ~~Dee
I just planted some purple heart in pots this year and plan to overwinter it inside (fingers crossed). It really is easy and I appreciate that!
You garden really looks lush and full of color Dee. Love Crepe Myrtle but can’t grow it here unfortunately. I’m a big fan of Crossandra too. Such a terrific annual. It just keeps looking great all season. I haven’t been able to find it around here for the last couple years though.
Hi Deanne, it’s hard to find here too sometimes. I’m glad Bustani started carrying it. I also saw crossandra in a nursery south of OKC. I wish you could grow crapemyrtle. They are such gorgeous plants.
Hi Kathryn, I’ve overwintered it several times. I’m sure you can too. Then, take sprigs next spring and push them into the soil. Water, and voila! You’ll have lots.
I have tried countless times to get that purple heart going and have a small clump right now that looks promising. It fails in full sun here but doesn’t want too much shade either. Love that crossandra and need to find a source.
Hi Denise, I’m amazed that purple heart has trouble in the sun even where you live, but plants are strange things. Here, it loves sharp drainage and enjoys growing in my gravel paths. I think it’s such a great plant. I bet you can find the crossandra too. Ooh, wouldn’t that look good with purple heart?
You forgot about Illini Orange, Dee, but then considering our dismal football program the last few years, it’s no wonder:) I don’t know if I’ve seen Crossanda available here, but it certainly would make a lovely border. Vista ‘Bubblegum’ is a great performer here, too, though I’m not as fond of that shade of pink; ‘Silverberry’ and ‘Raspberry Blast’ are the two Supertunias I plant every year. Love all the longer views of your garden–if there are weeds, I don’t see them!
Hey Rose! I did forget Illini Orange. Sorry. 🙂 I don’t love Bubblegum Supertunia as much as Silverberry, but this year, my Silverberry all died. There’s a new dark cherry one coming out Spring 2015. I can’t wait to see it. As for the weeds, I grow a lot of stuff to distract you. Ha!~~Dee
After seeing all of the various asters I think I need more variety. You have plenty of blooms this time of year. Happy GBBD.
Lisa, believe it or not, I just bought some more asters after seeing some on others’ blogs. So funny. I’m crazy about them.
Pinky Winky looks especially lovely in your garden. And I agree that the Purple Heart/Sweet Potato combination is … wow! Happy GBBD!
Hi Beth, it took ‘Pinky Winky’ years and years to do its thing. I’m now so glad it has. Thank you.
Your garden is always so enjoyable no matter the season…Great photos.
Thank you Charlie. I appreciate that.
Always so pleased to see phlox in a garden setting. Long lasting, nice fragrance and
a constant in my mother’s gardens that I remember from so long ago…..I am 81 now.
Hi Phyllis, thank you so much for your kind words and for commenting. I love to hear from friends. Phlox does have a delightful fragrance, and the bees, moths & butterflies love it so much. I couldn’t do without it.
I like your attitude – “holes of opportunity” wherever you have to pull out a rose. Your garden blooms are looking good and you are making me want some more asters/mums I don’t have. Thanks for joining in for bloom day.
Hi Carol, it’s better than crawling up in a ball and crying I think. 🙂
Thank you for sharing your beauty and inspiration, honey-bunny. So much fun to see your world.
Much love back to you too Rosebud.
Everything is still looking lush Dee…and very colorful!!
Thanks so much Donna. Do you have a new website?
Purple Heart deserves better press. The best use I ever saw of it was in an atrium garden at a nursing home. It was in a planter about 5 feet long and nearly 4 feet off the ground. Purple Heart made a waterfall to the ground, just beautiful.
Nell Jean, I bet that was gorgeous!
Love the Blue Grama grass. . . looks like fireworks going off.
Annie, it does rather look like fireworks. I love it.
I join you in your love of supertunias. I am only now discovering asters (well, in the garden as vs the wild, I mean!) just purchased my first one yesterday. I bought one hardy mum last year and added two more to my collection about three weeks ago. I enjoyed the article you linked to about the “passalong” mums. I do have a passalong dahlia I’ve been growing for almost 20 years.
Hello Dee
I love the purple heart – sweet potato vine color combo!
Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
Hello Lea, thank you. I love that combo too. Great colors. So easy.